Prakash watched his son walk away, a heavy sigh escaping his lips. He had come all this way, hoping for a chance to rebuild their relationship, but it seemed that the chasm between them was wider than ever. As he stood alone in the room, he couldn't help but wonder if it was too late to mend what had been broken.

Ayaan who stood near door seeing all this came forward and side hugged his father saying things will soon get better.

Ayaan was also playing his part to make adivk and prakash share the bond they missed but adivk is too stubborn to hear him.

Adivk came to his room and jumped on his bed he was stressed after seeing his father. His past came back making him remember those days he suffered.

He decided to go outside casually so he got up and wore his jacket as he walked down the stairs he saw his brother Ayaan engrossed in conversation with a striking woman in an office dress that left little to the imagination.

Adivk couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, recognizing the woman's provocative attire.

Ayaan, catching sight of Adivk, flashed his charismatic grin and interrupted the conversation. "Adivk, meet Emily, my personal assistant."

Emily, with a flirtatious smile on her lips, extended her hand towards Adivk. "Nice to meet you, Adivk,"

Adivk, intrigued by Emily's boldness, shook her hand with a charming smile.

Emily, her voice dripping with flirtation, suggested, "Well, how about I show you around Mumbai, Adivk? I know all the hidden gems."

Adivk, playing along with Emily's flirty tone, agreed, "Sounds like a plan, Emily. Lead the way."

With Adivk and Emily heading out into the bustling city, Ayaan watched them go, unfazed. He knew that both his brother and his personal assistant were skilled in the art of attraction, and he was content to let them explore Mumbai together.


Adivk and Emily found themselves in a charming corner of the cafe, surrounded by shelves of books, softly lit by warm, golden lamps.

Their faces drew closer, and their lips met in a tender, slow kiss. It was a kiss filled with growing desire. Adivk's hand cupped Emily's cheek, while her fingers found their way into his hair, deepening the kiss.

As they kissed, they both forget that there are in a cafe.

Moments later, they broke the kiss, their breaths mingling in the intimate space. Adivk whispered, "Emily, you're like a chapter in a book I can't put down."

Emily's eyes sparkled with desire as adivk started to throw his flirting lines, with a smirk on her lips she throws a pick-up line,"Adivk, you're the plot twist I never saw coming."

With their fingers still intertwined, they leaned in for another kiss, savoring the enchantment of the cozy cafe cum library and the blossoming romance between them.

As Adivk and Emily's passionate moment was interrupted by Sejal's presence, the atmosphere in the cozy cafe cum library grew tense. Adivk, who had pushed Emily aside, found himself facing Sejal, the woman he had been eager to see again since their chance encounter.

Sejal, the cafe owner, gave adivk a withering look, well aware of his reputation as a player. She crossed her arms, her tone sharp as she spoke, " You certainly have a way of making yourself memorable."

Adivk, unfazed by her skepticism, wore a charming smile and replied sincerely, "I know I may not have made the best impression last time, but I promise I've changed. Can we start over?"

Sejal regarded him with a hint of curiosity, her guard not entirely down. "We'll see, Adivk. Actions speak louder than words." She said seeing Emily.

Meanwhile, Emily, who had been pushed aside during the interruption, observed the exchange with a mix of curiosity and annoyance.

"Excuse don't you know manners? You interpreted us," Emily said coming forward.

"It's my question people with manners don't kiss in a public areas do they," Sejal said and turned towards Emily who is now all red.

"You are no one to tell that," Emily says in anger.

"Maybe the title of the cafe owner will make me someone right? Well not gonna argue with you guys you bill will be doubled because kissing is not allowed here and this in a rule here," saying this she went back to the counter.

She realised that adivk is following her.

"Now what why are you following me?,"

Adivk show her his purse making her realise that he is coming to pay. Rolling her eyes she walked towards the counter.

he cleared his throat and smiled at Sejal. "So, Sejal, can I pay the bill? It's your cafe, right?"

Sejal looked at him, she in annoy nodded, acknowledging the fact that it was indeed her establishment. "Yes, it is. Go ahead and pay."

Adivk handed her his credit card, and as she began processing the payment, he couldn't help but ask, "By the way, you have some unique rules here. Like charging double, certain activities." He raised an eyebrow, alluding to the kiss with Emily.

Sejal sighed, her gaze thoughtful. "I don't like those rules, but sometimes people take advantage of the cozy atmosphere here. The extra money, well, it's a donation."

Adivk's curiosity asks . "A donation, you say?"

Sejal nodded, her eyes locking with his. "Yes, a donation to support people in need. "

As Adivk made the donation and paid the bill, he found himself not only captivated by the enchanting cafe but by the enigmatic woman who owned it. The encounter left him pondering the deeper layers of Sejal's character, and he knew he wanted to explore this intriguing connection further.

And he knows that he will be a regular customer in this cafe from now onwards the reason is the owner of the cafe.

Emily was left behind seeing them both she can clearly see how adivk is behaving towards. It was her date and she lost it when she saw adivk walking out of the cafe forgetting her.

She Huffs in anger and goes from the cafe.


His Sunshine, His Midnight Rain (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now