Chapter 4 - Mother in law

Start from the beginning

"Are we all ready?" I ask and a chorus of 'yes' comes back, with that I start the car and pull out into the street.

The car ride was nice, Charlie and I were talking about our jobs, Millie babbling toddler talk to her dolls, Alec reading comics with his headphones in. When we arrive, Alec can barely contain his pride, jumping in his seat wanting to get out and see Nana Sarah.

"Can we go now?" He whines

"Just a minute, we need to get out, grab bags and then go." Charlie replies and opens his door and gets Millie out. Alec whines but then gets to work taking out his headphones, unbuckling himself. I shut the car off and get the bags from the back. Once we are all ready we walk down my mum's driveway, Millie holding my hand. My mum is waiting by the door with her arms open. The kids sprint to her and jump into her arms with pure joy that lights up my heart. Alec gets to her much before Millie, and he gives her the biggest hug. Millie makes it and Mum gives her a hug too.

"Nana!!!" They scream

"Hello sweethearts." Mum says pressing kisses all over their faces. Charlie and I watch the scene unfold as we walk, hand in hand. She releases the kids from her warm embrace and reaches up to hug me. I let go of Charlie's hand and gave her a hug too.

"Hello Nicky! I've missed you." She tells me, I can practically hear her grin as she talks.

She gave Charlie a hug and soon we were sitting at her table having a cup of tea to catch up as the kids played around with new toys Mum bought them. She really doesn't have either, they have more than enough toys, but she wants to stay as the favorite grandparent and buys gifts every time we show up.

"I miss you guys, please visit more." She says sadly.

"We promise we will try to see you as much as we can but jobs get in the way." I tell her. We chat for a while but at about 5:30. "I think its best if we head off now Char." I say and he nods and finishes the last of his tea. Together we go to where the kids are sprawled out on the rug by the couch and crouch down beside them.

"All right guys, daddy and papa are going to leave now, we'll see you tomorrow." I say gently, hoping to avoid Millie freaking out. Alec comes to give us a goodbye hug, but as much as we tried to avoid it, Millie bursts into sad tears. She sobs into the palm of her little hands and Charlie is quick to take her into his arms.

"We'll be back tomorrow sweetheart, you get to stay here Nana Sarah and Alec. Remember hun? We talked about this earlier." He slowly explained the situation to our crying toddler. She nods slowly and we give them both big hugs and kisses before leaving them in my mothers safe arms.

Charlie POV

Nick and I made reservations at a very nice restaurant for our dinner. We wanted to make good use of our time alone so we booked a hotel room in Sarah's town so that we don't have to drive all the way back to Kingston. The restaurant was lovely and fancy, Nick and I changed at Sarah's house into suits so we fit in more appropriately and I'm glad we did. There were candles on tables and a lovely romantic vibe to the place. Nick and I have gotten much more comfortable going on fancy dates in public as two men in a relationship and today just shows our progress.

The restaurant was packed and I'm pleased we booked a reservation. The waiter takes us to our table and we settle down before some menu's come. I order some red wine and Nick gets a cider. I've never been a massive beer person, as feminine as it sounds, I much prefer wine or champagne. We drink and chat for a long while and I can't help but admire Nick's body in his white shirt, the way his arms fill out the sleeves and his blonde hair somehow perfectly in place but still messy, it makes me flutter knowing that he's my husband. My handsome, gorgeous, sexy husband. Breaking me from my thoughts Nick spoke. "Baby what food did you want to order? We can get a bunch of sides and share those?" he asks me. Baby , I love that name far too much and Nick knows it. He only ever calls me that in private without the kids but damn, I still love it. I glance down at the menu and I scan the sides section and settle on my choice.

"Can I get the salt and pepper squid?" I ask

"Of course you can, my love." He says nonchalant, knowing what these names are doing to me. We get a bunch of plates of food and we talk, laugh, eat, drink and god, I really needed this. Nick's smile has been what's washed my brain clear of my stress and anxiety. The way his face glows and radiates the candle on our table is enough to sweep all my bad thoughts away forever, without Nick I wouldn't be as happy as I am today, that's just a fact.

By the time we leave the restaurant I've had enough alcohol that I've got a buzz in my brain that stops a smile from ever leaving my face. Nick calls us a taxi to take us to the hotel. We clamber into the back seat and Nick's hand settles onto my upper thigh, definitely intentionally higher than normal. The whole ride I'm buzzing from anticipation and the check into the hotel, and the elevator ride to our room. Nick fumbles with the key to our room but when he finally gets the key inside the lock and twists the door open, he is practically backing me into the room, only to slam me up against the door and kiss me once it's closed. His breath is hot into my mouth and his hands lock around my waist pulling up off my feet. I wrap my hands in his hair and legs around his stupidly, hot, abb covered torso and let him kiss me mindlessly. He carries me to the bed, sets me down on the edge and he tells me between heavy breaths "Y'know baby I've wanted that suit off you since the moment you put it on." He says his brown twinkling eyes going back and forth between and my now messed up suit.

"Same here." I agree and my mind goes back to how Nick's muscles looked in the restaurant under the dark hue and I shudder at the thought.

"Yeah?" he asks smirking

"Yeah." I say, unable to form anything more complicated than that.

"Yeah, well get your fucking clothes off baby." He says taking me by utter surprise and starts to pull out my tie and unbutton my shirt. I let him and once I'm bare on the top I lay back on the bed, propped up on the pillows and watch him strip down his shirt too.

We are both in our pants when he crawls up my body and kisses me senselessly into the hotel bed. His large hands are on my hip bone and neck while mine are in his hair. When we connect our bodies it's like nothing else fucking matters in this world and it's simply us, in this hotel, with each other. Nick pulls back for a second and stares into my eyes as if he's looking for something, and the only noise is our quick and heavy breaths and heartbeats, I can smell our colognes and all I see is Nicholas Nelson on top of me. He starts kissing my neck and I'm sure there's going to be a hickey that Millie is going to question about. The way he makes me feel makes me feel like we are kids again, sneaking around from our parents, secretly kissing in school corridors when no one is around. He is kissing down my chest and starts to unbuckle my belt and pull down my dress pants and like a light switch, my mind simply blanks with one thought, Nick.



This chapter was painful to write, I feel like it's bad and just meh. I wanted to write more but thought i'd post this and show the kids pov next chapter so you don't have to wait to long. I am happy with the ending bit so theres that ig

Stay happy, healthy and hydrated

Thx again


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