She thought for a moment. "I'd have to say ever since he joined council."

He had been in council for months. How had I not heard of her. This was weird. I really didn't want to be talking to her right now.

"Cool." I awkwardly looked around.

She didn't seem too pleased with me. We stood in front of each other for a moment until I finally spoke up. "Well, I've got some business to attend to."

Quianna looked both disappointed and non believing of this. "Oh, I was gonna ask you to come help me with something. What do you have to attend to?"

I was lying, I honestly had nothing to do, like always. I thought for a second, and then glanced around. I tried to not look suspicious but I was looking for an excuse. That's when I saw Cole, wandering around with the same stupid look on his face, I'd talked to him a few times, but never really got to know him. At this point Quianna noticed my struggle, so I quickly spoke up. "I need to talk to Cole." I pointed my thumb out behind me.

She swerved her head to look, then nodded. "Oh."

I started to walk away, towards Cole. I had no idea what I was going to say to him, and I'm not really sure why I even came up with a lie, why did I care whether she liked me or not. It was so stupid, I had no idea about anything I did anymore really.

I reached him and tapped him on the shoulder. "Hey."

He swung himself around with joy. "Trinity! Oh my god I can't believe your talking to me. I was sooo bored."

Cole gave off this sort of valley girl energy, it was weird for a guy, I guess you could sort of call him crazy too. But uh, somehow max didn't care enough to make him limited. God I didn't want to be talking to this guy, but Quianna was still burning a hole in my back with her eyes.

"So uh Cole.." I glanced back at Quianna. "Let's walk around for a sec okay?"

Cole nodded repeatedly before starting to walk beside me. All I had to do was walk and talk with him until I was out of her sight. Jesus, I was thinking way too far into this, just because I didn't wanna help her. And maybe it wouldn't have even been that bad, fuck.

As me and cole walked, he spoke up. "So, whatcha wanna talk about?"

I thought for a second. Maybe I could benefit from this, actually get someone to listen to my concerns, I mean he probably cared enough. "Don't you feel, cooped up in here?"

He stopped in his tracks, and faced towards me. "What?"

My eyes widened, maybe he didn't agree. What if he said something to Max? No he wouldn't do that.

To my surprise, Cole had a huge smile on his face. "You do not know how bad I wanna get out of this shithole."

I tilted my head, what if he wasn't all bad. I could have a friend, that wasn't as reckless as Chloe. Well, I wouldn't say that. Scratch all of that, I could have more friends, and that's always good. Well, maybe not in these times, whatever. Screw all my past theories, I just want people to agree with me. People who weren't confined to these perimeters, cough cough Chloe.

"Seriously?" I conveniently looked up from where we stopped, and we stood about 50 feet from the gate. Amber was on gate duty, she liked me, I'm sure she'd let us out without questions.

I nodded towards the gate at Cole. "Wanna go?"

His face lit up, he seemed like he was in heaven. Stupid how just a little question could put him into a state of ecstasy. "Yeah!" His jaw dropped.

I couldn't help but laugh a little at the look of him, I mean he looked like an idiot, with his raggedy teeth and big smile, he reminded me of Ashton, but less annoying, I wish he had come with me to see Chloe. Maybe if Cole came, she wouldn't be here at all. Fucking retard, I hate Ashton for that.

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