First Week!

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I feel better than yesterday, but I still feel like a dumpster. The room is spinning, and my head hurts. These are signs of dehydration. Does drinking too much saltwater cause dehydration? Yes. But it doesn't explain why I was nonstop vomiting. Yeesh, It's five thirty AM. I web surf some more, and saltwater can trigger highly contagious bugs. I hope it didn't spread. I'm going to refill my cup of water. I go downstairs. It's a spectacular sunrise, but I'm seeing double. I'm going back upstairs when I see a note from Mom. Hon- I talked to the doctor. Don't leave your room until you have been 12 hours vomit-free. 6 hours to go.

I did some more research, and a bug caused my vomiting spree. I hope it didn't spread. Mom is okay, and I haven't seen Kent. I'm pacing my room. I vomited 11 hours and 58 minutes ago. Maybe if I pull out a book, time will pass quickly. I got Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix. I don't know why I never finished Goblet of Fire. I look to the spot next to the gap and pull it out. I put it in Order of the Phoenix, and I'm FREE!

I ran downstairs, laughing. Mom is at the counter, making muffins. She asks me to find Kent. He is in his room, working out. Kent thinks working out will make girls oblivious that he is 5' 2, has horrible acne, and has a 2.48 GPA. He said his friend from the beach would hook him up with some hot girls. My response is whatever, but there are muffins. He jumps up. Kent is the most self-centered person I know- and I have been in Norah Douglass' class for three years. 

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