Day 5

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BEACH DAY! I can't wait. Also, I don't think I mentioned it, but my bikini looks AMAZING on me. The gold straps and lavender material look fabulous with my teal eyes and blonde hair. Plus, I'm feeling way better!"Come on!" I yell to Mom. We ran down the steps. Mom set up a beach chair and umbrella. Kent ran off to join a beach volleyball game. And I ran into the water. Over time, I got bored. So I moved to the sand. A girl was playing farther along the beach. I wanted to go over to her, but the water calmed down and was SO blue and clear, and dragged me in. I went up to my chin to practice treading water. But when I started looking for that mystery girl, a tragedy happened. I didn't see a gigantic wave coming till it was too late. It engulfed me without warning. I started to panic, positive I was going to drown. Swallowing ocean water with every movement, I was sure I was drowning. I surface, coughing the whole time. I crawled to the edge. Somehow, I had drifted to a completely deserted area. But I didn't even realize. My head hurt. My throat hurt. My stomach hurt. As I got on land, I started to heave. The second I got out of the ocean, my breakfast spilled out. I don't know how long I was there. When I woke up, I was in my bed.

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