Day 2

15 1 0

I was too tired to write anything more last night, but you will not believe what I found. I found a record player that matches my lamp. There are purple polaroids of purple clouds, mountains, and seashells. There are purple LED lights. There is a purple beanbag chair with a purple fluffy blanket and a purple mesh curtain with butterflies. It is between the bookshelves and has a stack of bookmarks. But, more importantly, there is a zipline into the treehouse from my room! BEST ROOM EVER. More later. I'm starving.

When I was looking for the closet, I had a huge surprise. It has full-length mirrors and is walk-in. Also, THERE ARE ALREADY (purple) CLOTHES. IN MY SIZE. WITH A NOTE THAT SAYS I CAN KEEP THEM. I already tried on the dress, and it was SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Plus, there are these pins on a pinboard. There is a purse, a crown, a seal of approval(with a gold trim), a clock, and a cloud.

I also can't believe the bookshelf. The Airbnb owner removed all book covers and put in replacements in different shades of purple depending on the genre. Realistic fiction is pale purple; fantasy is slightly darker, and so forth, until the drama section, which is nearly black.

But back to the closet, there is a section for swimsuits, a section for t-shirts, tank tops, shorts, skirts, dresses, accessories, and shoes. I think I'm going to try on the clothes. The bikini fits perfectly, but I'll need permission to keep it. The T-shirt fits perfectly. The shorts are tiny. The skirt fits. The dress fits perfectly and is one of the cutest ones I have. The pins are adorable. The flip-flops fit. I ran downstairs to ask if I could keep the bikini. Mom said yes! The bikini, T-shirt, skirt, gown, accessories, and flip-flops are now mine. 

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