Dinner party chaos

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Sora had found an emerald dress and wondered down stairs with Nami by her side. A waiter came up-to her offering small appetisers. Sora declined wanting to wait for the actual meal. She instead wondered towards where Zoro was.

"Hey, Zoro!" Luffy yelled out. "You gotta try this!" He said, the food mostly down his chin.

"No, thank you. I've got all I need, right here." He said, grabbing the glass.

Sora pushed a few loose curls behind her ear, the rest of her tumbled down her back. Zoro noticed her and offered a glass which she gratefully accepted.

"You look...lovely." He said, trying to find the right words to describe her.

"Thank you." She said, turning her head towards him. He faced the table whilst she faced the other way. Although their shoulders would occasionally brush together. "Should we sit down?" She then asked with a small smile. He offered a hand walking with her towards the round sofa.

"May I present... Miss Kaya." The butler said offering his hand. She was in a beautiful yellow dress which almost matched her hair due to the lights.

Kaya had wondered down to talk to Nami. Sora had to thank the girl for her kindness so rose, leaving Zoro alone on the seats.

"Thank you for this dinner, Kaya." Sora said, a smile growing.

"No, thank you for being company. You look gorgeous, Sora." Kaya smiled. Sora felt she knew the girl well. Her eyes were horribly trustworthy. Nami felt the two girls were very similar. Overly kind. Very trustworthy, in the sense they trusted too easily. A beautiful smile.

"I mean look at you." Sora said, turning to Nami as well. "Nami..." the girl grinned. Nami rolled her eyes at what the girl was insinuating.

"Kaya, I wonder if I might have your ear?" Merry asked. He continued to whisper towards her, until the butler walked up.

"Merry, dear friend, it's always business with you." That's when Sora saw it. She had seen him before. His eyes held a familiar glint. She wasn't sure what it was about him. "Tonight is about celebration." Clearly he wasn't too important or impressive if she couldn't remember him. "Shall we all move to the dining room?"

"Yes!" Luffy let out, making Sora laugh slightly at it enthusiasm. "Oh, oh! Im so ready for this!"

Sora was sat between Zoro and Usopp. "Keep this coming." Zoro said to the waitress. Sora struggled to see Nami or Luffy, who were directly infront of her. There was just so much food and objects between.

"I'd love to try fish tonight." Kaya said to the waitress. Sora didn't pay any mind to the simple request and just continued eating her food.

"Im sorry, Miss Kaya, but that's not possible." He answered, looming over her. Sora finally glanced over still struggling to see much.

"Maybe just a small piece?" Kaya asked, quietly. Sora felt sorry for the girl. Clearly there was something bigger going on, she just couldn't put her finger on it.

"Now, you know that certain foods can affect your constitution." He said, signalling his hand for the chef. "Here, Buchi has prepared your special soup." The larger man laid down the plate.

"Kaya, it's your birthday. You should be able to eat what you want." Nami defended.

"Yes!" Sora agreed, meeting the two girls eyes.

"Miss Kaya's medical condition necessitates that I closely monitor her dietary needs." The raven haired man said, almost cruelly.

"Does it mean you also speak for her?" Nami asked, Sora laughed trying to cover it up with a cough into her napkin.

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