Harsh truths

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She was watching the dolphins swim next to the ship, some speeding away to swim infront. "But you said five degrees starboard." Usopp said, the two had been listening to Buggy give instructions and it was never completely accurate.

"Yeah, it's the other starboard, Captain Shit-tastic." Buggy yelled back.

"At first I thought it was a good idea, clearly I was wrong." Sora apologised to Usopp.

"Hey, I thought clowns were supposed to be funny." Usopp replied.

"What was that?" Buggy asked them both. "Why don't  you say it to my face?"

"Yeah sure. You're a-!" She turned to clown holding a strong glare.

"Hey! Morning, champ." He chuckled at his interruption. Sora rolled her eyes, looking towards Zoro instead.

"I know Sora made a deal with you to find Arlong, clown, but if this another trick-" Zoro started.

"What are you going to do? Bleed on me?" He laughed. Sora took a step forward ready to throw him overboard, but Zoro grabbed him first.

Picking him up, Zoro held the head over the water. "I mean, a deals a deal, all right? You want your map back. I want my body."

"How do we know you're not leading us to a trap?" Zoro said.

"Zoro, buddy!" The clown shouted. "Honour amongst pirates. Right?"

"You have no honour." Sora said, walking towards where Zoro and the clown head was.

"Look, babe, you're ruining my cred here, you know?" The clown hissed out. The head dipped slightly, due to Zoro, making him panic.  "How about I sing a nice sea shanty to pass the time? Oh, there once was a girl with tangerine hair stole my map and left me stranded somewhere truly a crafty and crooked young lass. But you can't deny she had a spectacular-"

Zoro had walked away from the water and towards a barrel, tossing the clown in. "Was he about to say-?" Sora started eyeing the gross clown.

"Don't worry you do to!" The clown shouted, Zoro slammed the top of the barrel shut. Sora took a step back from his comment, wanting to go look at the dolphins instead.

"Zoro! Zoro! Come look at the dolphins." She leant over the railing, Zoro grabbing her quickly to stop her from falling into the dolphins. She just smiled at him in thanks.
His hand still resting on her back, just incase.

They decided to go up towards Sanji and Luffy. She skipped over to the two, whilst Zoro slowly walked behind.

"-with a pirate like Arlong." Was all she caught when she stood next to Sanji. "Nami clearly needs to be rescued."

"Her tattoo says different." Zoro walked over, glaring at Sanji.

"Tattoo smattoo." She rolled her eyes, they all looked at her. "What?"

"Tattoos don't tell the whole story. And like any woman, she's a mystery to be unravelled." Sora nodded to his words, until his last ones.

"No they're not." She eyed him, Zoro had a faint smile as he watched her glare at Sanji. "I mean, like, women ain't a mystery. People just choose not to understand. I think it's clear. Nami clearly has some secret past, which cause her to have to join. Maybe a deal, or something?"

"Nami made her choice." Zoro dismissed.

"You don't know why." Sanji said, glancing at Sora as if to agree with her previous ideas.

"Only thing I want to hear from you are dinner specials. You don't know Nami." Zoro snapped.

"Sounds like you don't know her very well either, moss head." Sanji argued.

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