Makes me wonder what happened
Don't ask Dimitri
Do not ask

Too late "why were you out this late, alone"? I mutter out and she looks at me before looking ahead

"I don't think that's any of your business, don't act like you care" she mutters out not looking at me, okay I didn't expect that

She's naive, innocent and shy but trust me, she has a mouth that most likely puts her in trouble half the time

I just chuckle out, my gaze still on the road
"Given that you're in my car, I think it suffices to say that it is my business" I say and I hear her scoff with a groan.

"Please don't make me regret getting into your car" she mutters, the whole car goes silent.

I don't say anything and just focus on driving, but I'm still not comfortable with the fact that she was out, but like she said, it's not my business.

"Where to"? I ask, of course I know it's to Enzo's mansion, but I just wanted to be sure

She doesn't answer, confirming I already know where to take her, I take the turn to the mansion, I glance at her again and her silence is so fucking unnerving.

It's making me nervous, and I hate being nervous
She's bouncing her legs, I think she does a lot of unusual things when she's thinking or nervous.

She's never composed
She can't play it cool, you'd catch her within seconds

I've only been with her for a day and I already notice
I mean I've been with her for six months, but today was the first time I was actually with her, knowing she's Cora and Cara.

"I'll do it" she voices out making me shift my gaze from the road to her
"I'll help you get Ivan out" she adds clarifying things

I don't say anything but just keep staring at her, what changed?
About a few hours ago she was so sure she'd never help me, hell I was too but now she's offering to help.

"Stop looking at me like that" she mutters looking out the window, I quickly move my gaze away from her and back to road.

We're almost at Enzo's mansion before she speaks up again

"If we're doing this, it'll be on my terms and mine alone" she says looking at me and I just nod slowly

The car comes to a stop at the same spot I dropped her off earlier today

"And no I'm not working with you, or working for you, don't misunderstand this, I'm just helping my friend and nothing more, I'm not doing this for you but for Ivan" she says making me clench my jaw

She outstreches her hand to me, with her palms open, it takes a minute of me looking at her with confusion before she speaks.

"Give me your phone" she mutters and I take a long look at her "give it, I'm not going to steal it or anything, you can stop looking at me like that" she almost snaps.

I breathe out before bringing out my phone and dropping it on her palms, she swipes on it to find it unlocked, she looked at me with amusement before typing on it, after a while she hands it back to me.

"I added my number there, you can call me tomorrow morning and then we'll discuss the terms of this" she mutters before going to open the door and my voice stops her

"We can't discuss it on phone, but I'll call you when I get here tomorrow, I'll take you with me to a more private place, and then we'll discuss" I tell her, she doesn't react or look at me, she just goes out and shut the door.

I'm watching her as she walks further towards the huge gates, she looks like she added weight, more than I think she should have, it's only been a month she left my place and she's already looking like nothing ever happened to her.

Immediately she walks into the gates, I put my car in reverse and drive away
This is gonna be harder than I thought


"When I asked you to call me in the morning, I didn't say to wake me up" she snapped getting into the car and shutting the door with a loud bang, I feel pity for my car

I just looked at her with a bored expression
"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed" I muttered and I could feel her glare on the side of my face, I was biting back a smile and playing it cool.

I started the car and drove away from Enzo's mansion towards the city, well towards my own house.

We drove in silence, she was putting on a jean and top, it made her look different, way different that her sister.

Her hair was also packed into a bun, she really didn't look happy this morning.
Mood swings I guess.

I itched to ask her about Ivan but I didn't, and she didn't make mention of him at any point.

She was just looking out the window, we had been on the road for almost 30 minutes before my house came into view, I hear her sigh before her voice came out.

"Really? Your house? So much for somewhere private" she muttered relaxing on her chair

"You didn't expect me to take you to a restaurant, don't forget I'm not in my country and I have a lot of enemies, especially in Rome" I tell her pulling up into the compound. "I'm a very dangerous man, and anyone who sees us together won't hesitate to Target you to get to me" I tell her before stopping the car in front of the house.

"No shit Sherlock" she mutters before opening the door and getting out, I just shake my head at her before coming out too.

"I'm beginning to think this is a bad idea" I voice out and I hear her scoff before looking towards me

"You think"? She mocks

I just shrug "I've never worked with a woman on her period before and looking at you, I'm guessing it's going to be very hard" I tell her and I see her eyes snap to look at mine.

She opens her mouth "I'm...." She doesn't complete it before a sad look crosses her features and without a word she just walks away from me towards the door.

Okay, that's really weird.
What's wrong with get this morning, now I'm really worried.

I hope these two don't murder each other 😩😩

They're a very dramatic duo
Bad combination 😁😁

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