gym already?

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The second day of school and there is gym already. The first thing in the morning is gym it's not like she hated gym it's quite the opposite, I just can't do anything to fully onlock potential, and I hate running in just human style so I don't do any sports or anything well except for gym I can't get out of gym dad says not to worry but to also watch out for hunters, vampire hunters to be exact now I've never seen one but dad I'd also sketchy with the school's ability to protect,provide and serve so I try to give it no mind I think he's just paranoid but mom says it's just because he cares and doesn't want to see me hurt that's part of the reason why I am the way I am but it's better then dead
And so that's why when Mr.coacherbell tells us we have a mile run,fitness test, and things like that for the first week of school so for the mile run I take my mp3 player out and play shuffle, my music is out of wide variety so as the music begins to play I plug my earbuds in and walk up to the starting line, I take my sweat shirt off and take off running did I ever mention I hate running human speed like seriously would it kill them to walk a little faster? And even the one's who are running  i and puffing out air like they're suffering. So I watch them carefully and try to mimic them as I try my best not to roll  my eyes and giggle. I was almost to the finish line when someone wraps my sides from behind and is actually chuckling. I look up, and it's him! "Hey, I didn't get to introduce myself,  I'm Alexander, and I saw you in the auditorium but my sister doesn't really like crowds" he laughs lightly and let's go of my waist and fixes my hair getting it out from my eyes "you shouldn't hide your eyes they're beautiful" He looks at me with deep meaning. I couldn't handle the intensity so I looked away and pulled one of my earbuds out "Island" I whispered, looking back up at him. He tilts his head and then widens his eyes laughing "You're a quiet one, aren't you?" I laugh along I guess so I smile at the ground playing with a strand of my hair. Then he pulls me along, laughing come on we gotta be the first one's to the finish line. But all I could hear was his laughing.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2023 ⏰

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