the first day of school and meeting someone new

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The first day of school was always easy for me it was kind of a vacation from vacation, plus I finally get to see Alex. I haven't seen her all summer , granted it was only two months, but two months is a really long time the moment I see her I rush up to her vampire style and jump into her giggling as she squealed and widened her eyes as she realized it was me. She flung her arm over me shut her locker, as I  opened mine I put all my stuff away except for my small bag I carry around during the hotter seasons and can you guess what's in it? That's right, sunscreen,sunblock,sunglasses, and personal items like like lotion,lip balm and perfume and stuff like that this is our first year of high school, and we haven't gotten our schedule yet so we were supposed to go to the attitorium and there was supposed to be a list and rows of grades except some people don't like to listen and just sit wherever they want we were checking our schedules when Alex was pulled aside and Ryan suprisesed her with flowers and a kiss on her cheek as she blushed and they did they're cupple things I turned away to meet the most mysterious dark haired boy I have ever met good thing she put on perfume or else she would stink from sweating and was stuck to her spot like glue his eyes down cast to the floor black hair covering his eyes whitch looked almost black but she couldn't tell from so far away, he moved just a certain way snd he was lost in the crowd she was torn away from searching to find him when Alex waved her hand to her face as she laughed " finally a reaction I thought you were in a trace or something I thought I'd have to shake you" she said joking and atty laughed "so where did Ryan go to? I don't see him anywhere, and he was just right here."  Alex gave her a knowing look then slyly smiled and laughed " well he went over to his track buddies and I stuck with my buddie, so he said we would ketch up latter and ran off" atty nodded her hand "and plus you've got to see my schedule let me look at yours" atty gave her her schedule and they began making thier way out of the attitorium when atty bumped into someone brushing against thier shoulder and she looked up to see the most beautiful face she'd ever seen, sure she's meet handsome guys but she'd have to turn them down not wanting to hurt them or anything but she could feel this was different but she could also feel he was human and that hurt more then she could ever know she blushed unknowingly as he winked playfully and they both said sorry at the same time and laughed he gave her a salute and walked off with a couple of friends
But they kinda looked like him maybe his siblings? She didn't know all she knew was he looked older like older then Ryan older but also young honestly he looked like that classical mysterious bad boy the total opposite of Ryan and she didn't really like trubble, she tried to stay out of it, stick to the walls keep her mouth shut, even in classes when she knew the answers she still acted mute even with partners assignments mostly because the teachers already knew before hand that atty and Alex would chat each others heads off and get off track of the assignment but with science and math they were alowed together and they sat next to each other and actually talked about school stuff mostly because those teachers scared them but what's really painful is she has gym first thing in the morning every day and Alex has gym every day last thing in the day with Ryan(suprise, suprise) she's not mad just kinda jealous but it's better this way she won't hurt anyone and hopefully her soul mate is just a vampire as well or maybe her soul mate is dead? That should have her from complications and weird and awkward times.

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