02; Dust

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Trigger Warnings: Death, blood
"I know."

The mumbles of a lone skeleton could be heard throughout Snowdin, yet the skeleton itself would be awfully difficult to find.

Sat up on a tree branch, Sans was playing with his jacket's zipper, waiting for the Human to exit the Ruins and head for the small town. It was a daily occurrence for him nowadays, one he absolutely detested yet wouldn't - couldn't, rather - stop himself from doing.

"I don't understand them," he spoke, seemingly to nobody in particular.

He would occasionally spare a glance to the side as if there were someone there with him, but he didn't do much else. It seemed as though his sole purpose had been reduced to trying to stop the Human, failing, going through a Reset and letting the process repeat itself for all eternity. To Sans, it had no rhyme or reason to it, he didn't understand the Human's actions or why they seemed to be so set on murdering all of his friends.

At first he'd allowed things to go by pretty fairly, giving the Human countless chances to stop what they were doing before they'd face his Bad Time, but after so many Resets.. Could you blame him for getting involved earlier than he was meant to? It wasn't as if anybody would tell him off; nobody could remember much of what happened during the Resets, not even himself.

Alphys was aware of the Timelines, but not even she had them figured out the same way Sans did.

"Hey," a voice from below yelled towards him.

He looked down, expecting to see the Human wielding a weapon ready to fight him, though that wasn't what he saw at all.

Instead, he saw an entirely black skeleton, wearing almost the exact outfit he was, reaching a hand out to him. The tentacles protruding from his upper back were already a bad sign, but the glint in his singular blue eye sold the instinct that he wasn't to be trusted. Sans was nowhere near stupid, therefore he decided it best to turn away from the mysterious being and continue waiting for the Human.

"Ah, really? You've nothing better to do whilst waiting for the Human to come by, why not have a conversation with me?" He offered, hand still outstretched waiting for Sans' response.

Sans paused for a moment. He wasn't entirely wrong, but how did he know of the Human? How did he know he was waiting there for them? Was he perhaps working with them? He'd never exactly seen a skeleton look like that before, but it wasn't out of the realm of possibility that he was one of Alphys' amalgamations.

He turned to his side, seemingly having a conversation with someone next to him, before turning to face the Monster below. He said nothing to him, instead deciding to let him explain who he was and what he wanted. He was the one who sparked the conversation after all, not Sans.

A few minutes went by with the pair not saying anything to each other before the arm lowered itself, the goopy skeleton dematerialising right in front of Sans' eyes. He blinked a few times, confused at the whole ordeal, before deciding to turn back and continue his newfound purpose. It wasn't as if he had much else to do, anyway.

He decided to close his eyes, revelling in the calm before the storm. It wasn't often he allowed himself to relax, but if he'd started imagining black tentacled skeletons then it was obvious to him he needed to cut back on using his magic this Reset.

His peace didn't last long as he heard shuffling from the tree next to him, causing him to instinctively launch bone attacks over to the general area of where the noise originated. However, instead of seeing a dusting Monster or the Human's corpse, he was greeted by the same black skeleton as before.

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