01; Killer

124 4 0

Trigger Warnings: Murder (ment.), blood, someone almost dies
It was fairly nice in the Underground that day. Not by weather standards, those would never change down there. On that day in particular, Killer had just finished dusting his fellow monsters in his most recent Reset with surprising ease, pleasing him greatly. This by itself wouldn't have been out of place for the skeleton - if anything it would be odd for him not to do a genocide route - but what was odd was that he was lacking a few Execution Points.

He blinked a few times, re-reading the screen in front of him. He hadn't done anything different, so how come something had changed? Sighing, he resigned himself to having to take a leisurely stroll throughout the Underground to find whichever Monsters had escaped his grasp.

"Why have you forsaken me today?!" He exclaimed dramatically to nobody in particular.

Turning around, the first thing he noticed was the peculiar, skeleton-shaped black mass standing in front of him. The second, more important thing he noticed was that his shoe was stuck in the puddle of blood that surrounded Asgore's now dusted body.

"Ergh, this stuff never gets easier to deal with! It's always “wah wah wah I'm gonna get all over your shoes and your clothes and your attacks for no reason” with this guy," he smiled, gesturing towards the blood before turning back to face the stranger who seemed awfully unamused by his joke.

It seemed to be studying the bloodied skeleton, looking him up and down, left to right. If it were anyone else he would've attacked by now, but the substance it seemed entirely made out of.. it reminded him of the Determination which leaked out of his eye sockets, a part of him which he'd grown rather fond of over time.

"Man, I thought that one was funny," he muttered, spinning his knife in his hand ready for a potential fight.

It wasn't scared of him, which made him slightly nervous. It wasn't everyday that someone came face to face with a guy capable of taking out the entirety of the Underground with ease, though it also wasn't everyday that Killer came face to face with something like.. well, whatever stood in front of him.

"Ain't you scared?" He questioned, taking a step forward before summoning a few bone attacks to his side.

In return, it took a step forward as if it were matching his movements. Out of its upper back came four long, sharpened tendrils, slightly bloodied and lined with specks of dust. Killer's eyes narrowed at the realisation that it was the reason he'd lost some EXP.

"Scared..? Of a Sans I could tear to shreds within two minutes? Humourous," it spoke, a cocky tone to its voice.

"Ha, you wish! Before I kick your ass and reclaim the EXP that you stole from me, mind telling me your name? I'll ask around about you during the next run, figure out what kinda Monster you are.." He threatened, muttering the end of the sentence as he began lightly bouncing up and down; preparing to fight his mysterious opponent.

"Nightmare, but you can call me.. well, I was going to say Master but that has some awful connotations nowadays.. how about Boss?" He retorted, placing a hand onto his hip.

Killer laughed, "Well, Nightmare, you're awfully calm for someone who's about to die!" He cheerfully answered, leaping towards Nightmare with his knife in hand.

Yet as he slashed at the Monster standing in front of him, nothing happened. It wasn't that he'd missed his attack, it had landed for sure, it's that absolutely nothing happened. As he stood there trying to figure out how anyone could withstand an attack from his knife, his opponent Checked him.

Undeterred, he tried again,

And again,

And again,

And again, until he was cut off by something piercing through his left shoulder; cracking the bone and tearing his arm off.

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