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Kennedy pushed her cart into another isle as she looked for a specific type of ingredient . Once she saw it, she grabbed it dropping it in the buggy.

She searched through a few more shelves for a few more items before making her way to check out.

She saw an unknown number calling her phone making her pause in the line as confusion took over her face.

She answered putting it up to her ear as she moved up in line. "Kennedy" The voice on the other end said making her relax

"Hi Ms.Smith" She said referring to the Corey and Judah's mom. "Hey can you meet me at my place in 30" She asked getting straight to the point.

"Sure" Kennedy said starting to load her items into bags as the white female security watched her closely.

Kennedy noticed out of the corner of her eye and turned her face to her. She mustered up the sourest face she could at bucked at her.

The lady flinched in shock and walked away quickly towards another isle. Kennedy hung up the phone and continued scanning her items.

"Hello" Kennedy dragged walking into the already opened house door. "In hear dear" She heard a voice call.

She closed the door, locking it. Walking father into the house she saw the boy's mom.

"What's up ms smith" she said cautiously walking up to the couch.

This would be their first time actually being alone together and having a conversation so she was scared.

She didn't know how to react in this situation, because she felt like she seemed like some hoe messing with both of her sons.

"Call me Gabi" she gave her a smile and patted the spot next to her. Kennedy returned the smile and sat down.

Gabi pushed the plate of cookies on the coffee table towards Kennedy and she picked one up not wanting to seem rude.

It was silent as Gabi tried to figure out a way to say what she wanted. "How did you meet them?" She asked the most normal question she could.

"You called me here to ask how I met your sons?" Kennedy asked cautiously. It just didn't make sense to her.

"Well we haven't had a chance to talk yet so seeing as I was free today, thought it would be the perfect time" Gabi's eyes snapped from the cookie plate to Kennedy

Kennedy nodded still uneasy. She was just nervous about what this conversation would turn into.

Seeing as this was their mom, she was trying to be respectful but if a question was out of line, she wouldn't take disrespect.

She really liked both Corey and Judah, but she hated mom's too invested in their son's lives, so she prayed this wasn't one of those situations because she'd most definitely have to distance herself.

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