Finally, the day of the coronation had arrived. Everyone was up by 3 AM and were getting ready in their royal attires. Isha, Meera, Saanvi and Ara too were getting ready together. As they prepared for the grand celebration, the air was filled with an aura of excitement and anticipation. The room echoed with laughter and chatter as they delicately adorned themselves in the resplendent lehengas. Each lehenga was a masterpiece, expertly crafted with intricate embroidery that told stories of tradition and elegance. The vibrant colours of the fabrics seemed to dance in harmony, creating a visual symphony that captured the essence of the occasion.

The meticulous detailing on the lehengas showcased the skill of the artisans who had poured their heart and soul into every stitch. The embroidery depicted a rich tapestry of cultural motifs, weaving together a narrative that connected the past with the present.

They revelled in the beauty of their attire, feeling like the princesses they were, with a touch of timeless grace. Completing their ensembles, the women adorned themselves with handcrafted jewellery that complemented their lehengas perfectly. Each piece was a testament to the craftsmanship of skilled artisans who had brought to life the visions of elegance and tradition. The gleam of gold and sparkle of gemstones added a touch of regality, enhancing the overall splendour of their appearance. As they looked at themselves in the mirror, they couldn't help but marvel at the seamless blend of tradition and contemporary style. The lehengas and jewellery not only reflected their cultural heritage but also spoke volumes about their personal taste and individuality

On the other hand Ekansh, Vihaan, Aarav and Ansh also woke up very early. Despite the early hour, the room echoed with a sense of anticipation as the guys awoke to the dawn of their big day. Nervous energy coursed through their veins, and a kaleidoscope of emotions played on their faces. Excitement, anticipation, a touch of anxiety - a whirlwind of feelings converged, creating a unique blend of emotions that only a significant day could evoke.

Recognizing the gravity of the moment, they made a collective decision to set aside their jumbled thoughts temporarily. With a shared understanding that today marked a pivotal chapter in their lives, they resolved to focus on the task at hand - getting ready for the festivities that lay ahead. As they moved through the process of preparing for the day, the symbolism of the occasion began to sink in.

Quickly and efficiently, they dressed in their chosen attire, each piece carefully selected to reflect their individual styles and the significance of the celebration.

As they caught glimpses of themselves in the mirror, the reality of the day ahead began to materialize. Their reflection mirrored not only a polished appearance but also a sense of unity and brotherhood. The nerves that initially danced within them began to settle, replaced by a growing confidence that this day, significant and nerve-wracking as it might be, was one to be embraced with open hearts.

Taking a moment to acknowledge the camaraderie and the journey they were about to embark on, they shared smiles and supportive nods. The decision to temporarily set aside their anxieties in favor of swift preparation proved to be a wise one. As they stood ready, the nervous excitement transformed into a shared determination to make the most of this momentous day, setting the stage for a celebration filled with joy, love, and lasting memories.

In the Garden

"Where are there kids??, not even one of them are out of their rooms" asked Avni frustratedly.

"What happened maa, why are you guys so tensed?, asked Amaira.

"Where are all your brothers and sisters, don't tell me they are still sleeping even after me reminding them a hundred times yesterday night that they have to wake up early today" said Ananditha.

"Areyyy maa, all of you people calm down naa all the eight of them woke up early in the morning only and now they are getting ready" said Ishitha trying to calm their mothers who were getting worked up.

"How long will they take to get ready? don't they know that there is ritual to perform before the coronation" said Aawanya.

"What's the ritual ?"asked Dhruv curiously.

"Their future wife's have to apply tilak to their forehead today with the auspicious kumkum brought from the temple before they start the ceremony. The tilak when applied on a person, makes him/her feel closer to god and it is believed that if this ritual is performed by the queen or future queen the very act becomes a powerful symbol of unity and strength and symbolizes a harmonious and balanced reign that would stand the test of time. It will strengthen their bond and love for each other. There is so much more importance to it but, now we have no time at all to talk" said Aawanya.

"But maa who are their future wife's??" asked Ishaan.

"Now since they don't have a wife, either us or their sisters have to do it" said Avni.

"So does that mean we sisters can do the ritual?" asked Adithi.

"Yes, now it's getting really late apply the tilak and get them down fast" said Aawanya instructing the youngsters.

Adithi, Ishita, Amaira, Ishan and Dhruv instantly planned on making Isha, Meera, Saanvi and Ara to perform this ritual.


Do you think the youngsters be able to get the girls to do the ritual??

How do you guys like the chapter??

Aren't their younger siblings so sweet?? I think they are the ones playing cupid right??

Stay tuned to know more!!

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We've crossed 8k guys, let's go!!!!

Thank you so much 💕

keep reading and enjoy.

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