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Descending into the hall with the intention of discussing Momo's love interest with her father, Mina discovered the throne hall devoid of the king. A quest to the barracks unveiled the general berating the prison guards for a prisoner escape, dissolving any chance of a timely conversation.

Her relationship with her parents had always been distant. The king seemed more a figurehead than a father, and Mina lacked a maternal presence. Momo, Sana, Papa Tae, Prince Bang Chan, and Prince Felix formed Mina's cherished childhood companions, despite the parental void.

Venturing into the town market, rumors swirled about the princess's impending marriage. Seeking solace, Mina gravitated toward a flower shop run by an elderly man. Considering dandelions but opting for jasmine, she spotted the girl who had saved her from thugs. Pursuing her led to a small cottage, which, to Mina's surprise, concealed a bar.

Overwhelmed, Mina attempted to retreat, only to be thwarted by a large bruiser at the door. Awkwardly smiling, she found herself at the counter.

"What can I getcha?" the bartender inquired.

"Surprise me," Mina replied tentatively, shooting a nervous smile.
"Ho, I got da best y'all ever have!"

As the bartender prepared the drink, Mina glanced toward the girl, attempting to conceal herself. Unveiling her presence, the girl casually mentioned, "No need to hide, princess. I was aware the whole time."

Embarrassed, Mina questioned why the girl hadn't confronted her earlier.

"Kinda wanted to know how far you would go," the girl admitted, taking a sip of her drink.

Gagging at the taste, Mina questioned the choice of alcohol in the morning.

The girl left some silver coins on the counter. Mina looked around and put in some gold coins too. The girl rose, prompting Mina to follow, not as a creep this time. In silence, they walked until Mina mustered the courage to speak.

"So, what's your name?"

"None of your business," the girl retorted, avoiding eye contact.

"It's just a name," Mina scoffed.
"You're a princess and you're following a random me, deep inside I'm concerned,"

"Ugh okay fine... Miss none of your business but seriously who are you? I've never seen you before?"

"My Horse got sick so I had to find shelter,"

"So, she's foreign," Mina got the hint that she's a foreign.

It was silent for about five minutes but then the girl asked
"Do you visit town very often?"

"No, Only when I'm bored and because of god's grace I'm always bored,"

As they walked, the girl suddenly stopped, announcing, "This is my stop." Mina looked aside to find a farm.

"Ah, yes, I can see," Mina chuckled.

Smiling, the girl walked away, prompting Mina to express gratitude for the past rescue. The girl bowed in acknowledgment before disappearing into the distance.

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