🌹For You - Lee Know🌹

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    It was a first for him, and he was nervous, monumentally nervous. His heart anxiously pounded roughly against his broad chest. His mind was traveling faster than he could process, yet it was filled with solely one thing, one person. He stood there in motion, unable to be still. Loosely, he ran through numerous choreographies to ease himself. His fingers, every now and then, subconsciously fidgeted with the paperback book in his small, gentle hands. The man was immensely restless yet excited. Of course, he was excited. He was visiting her again.

    Lee Minho was the name of the anxious man standing at the park near his dorm, and he was here for his first date with her, Kim Nari. While the two had been good friends for three years, Minho and Nari had been in a romantic relationship for less than a month. They bound ties scarcely over three weeks ago, and they were still adjusting to the change. Minho and Nari were quite similar creatures, and so they were experiencing a bit of an awkward phase. While she was more verbally and physically affectionate than he was, they weren't yet comfortable with using endearing nicknames or saying the three-word line. The tenseness of conversation was unavoidably clear to the both of them. It wasn't much of a bother to Nari; however, Minho was another story. Luckily, he had his job being Lee Know of the successful idol boy group Stray Kids to distract him.

    While Minho specifically may have struggled to affectionately communicate, it wasn't too much of a secret he was head over heels for Nari. She was just Nari in his eyes, yet there was a magical sparkle when thinking of her. She was simply different, and Minho loved her difference. What a bold woman she was. It was the ways in which she was peculiar and distinct that made her attractive to Minho. She was so odd yet so flawless. Minho deemed her such. Her oddity was the most beautiful aspect about her to him. She made him more comfortable with himself, his own oddity. She challenged Minho greatly, and he loved it about her. To him, she was a diamond in a dark, secluded cave, and he liked being in silent solitude. Whether he expressed it or left it unspoken, Minho liked being with Nari, thus not even Han Jisung, Minho's soulmate, could ease the elated, crazily thumping heart inside his chest when hearing Nari approach him.

    Minho promptly raised his head and directed his attention to his girlfriend. His eyes had woken up in interest—their twinkle retaking shape. A sheepish smile soon popped onto his handsome lips; he exhaled in a chuckle-like manner, turning his eyes away a split moment. Revolving back, Minho stared at her with hearts, not glitter, in his gaze. His lips dropped the longer he admired. She was beautiful. Her face was partially covered by a black cloth mask, like his, but that did not dull the beauty illuminating from her pores. An exhilarated smile spread across Nari's lips when recognizing Minho. Minho knew so by her crow's feet. A small grin sat contentedly on his lips as a response to hers. A ray of sunshine filled the weary man.

    Minho's heart gradually increased its rate. What once seemed a fast pace was now the speed of a sloth in comparison to the current lovesick falcon charging inside. It excited him. Minho was jittery, but he didn't hate it. He enjoyed the adrenaline. His passionately throbbing heart almost pained his chest. They had been apart too long, since they became a couple, yet it was all worth it for this moment. He got to meet that beautiful face again and those pretty eyes. Minho didn't believe his heart could pump harder than it was, but he anticipated it to jump out of his chest and into Nari's hands when she finally reached him.

    "Hi, Minho-ah," she greeted, her delicate voice a delight.


    Their words trailed off into silence. There was somewhat of a pause in that moment, yet it existed unnoticed due to their total focus on each other. They admired one another. They freely admired the beauty they now found in one another after becoming a couple. The gleam was bewitching. How hadn't they noticed it sooner?

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