part 3

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The distant thud of a car door slamming shut makes Jungkook jerk awake in his car. With a hiss, he slurps up the drool that had trickled down his chin from being knocked out and he shoots upright in his seat. He's jetlagged as hell after flying out from Australia but he still insisted on seeing you first.

Unfortunately, when he knocked at your front door around 12AM, you weren't home. Being his stubborn self, he decided to wait for your arrival in his car. He dropped Yoongi off at home and returned, parked in front of your door and waited.

But the sound of that car door slamming shut has pulled him out of his slumber. He looks out of the car window on his side and there you are in the distance, dolled up and searching for your house keys in your clutch as you make your way to the front door.

Wearing a tight dress, hair did exactly the way you know Jungkook likes and from this angle he can't see your face but without a doubt, he knows you're absolutely gorgeous.

He takes his phone out of his pocket to check the time and the numbers on his lockscreen – which is a picture of his hand holding yours – tell him it's 4:08AM. He'd been here for hours but all of it felt like minutes when he finally set his eyes on you again.

Right as he's about to get out of his car, the figure of another person walks around the car you had just gotten out of. With a squint in his eyes, Jungkook tries to figure out who's walking up to you right now.

A man, not much older than himself, holds you by your arm as he leads you to your front door. A frown creeps onto his brows when you don't seem to have a reaction to this man touching you.

Jungkook watches as you keep digging into your purse, seemingly searching for your keys but that doesn't matter to him anymore.

With a scowl on his pretty face, he silently gets out of his car and sneaks up on the both of you. He makes sure not to make any noise as he stands directly behind the unfamiliar man. Jungkook tilts his head to the side as he says, "She can handle the rest from here."

He watches with a stern look in his eyes as you and the man slightly jump from the sudden interruption. Your head snaps in his direction and so does the man's head next to you.

Jungkook can see the horror in your eyes as you come to the realization that it's none other than Jeon Jungkook standing right next to you.

You're staring at him like he's grown a second head, Jungkook's eyes trail your face and scan your features, committing it all to memory. Pupils dilated, a thin layer of sweat coating your forehead, lips swollen, remnants of lipstick smudged across your chin.

"Who's this?" the unknown man asks you after the deafening silence that had settled around the three of you, a raise to his eyebrow as he turns his head to look at you.

You quickly compose yourself and clear your throat to speak but before you can answer, Jungkook butts in. "I'm Jungkook," he says, cockily.

The man slowly nods to Jungkook's introduction and opens his mouth to respond with his own name as he says, "Hoseok."

Jungkook nods again after puffing out his chest with an air of arrogance and replying, "Nice to meet you, Hoseok. It's awfully late, though. You should go home."

Hoseok turns to look at you with a confused yet concerned look in his eyes, checking with you to see if it's okay to leave you with this man named Jungkook.

You let a soft sigh push past your lips and give him a nod of reassurance. You place your hand on Hoseok's bicep to wordlessly tell him it's okay but he doesn't look convinced. That's when you say, "It's fine, Hobi. Thank you for helping me get home. I'll see you tomorrow."

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