part 2

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2 years earlier


"Okay, then I'll just tell Yoongi-hyung to take less matches." His attempts at trying to reason with you shoot daggers straight into your heart. His hands are tightly gripping your waist, heavy with fear that you'll slip through his fingers.

"Jungkook." His name leaves your mouth in a quiet sigh, your eyes avoiding his desperate ones as you keep your gaze glued to the wall over his left shoulder. "Just stop."

"No, I'm not going to stop," he declares with a pinch of hopelessness in his tone, his brows scrunched together as his eyes keep desperately searching for yours. "Please, just look at me."

You're convinced the lump in your throat is lathered in sand paper because swallowing your anxiety is getting harder by the minute.

His hand gently cups the side of your face, the pad of his rough thumb softly rubbing the apple of your burning cheek. "Look at me, Y/N."

Your eyes slowly trail back to his and the sight in front of you is exactly what you'd feared. His pretty brown eyes are now pools of despair and distress and it won't take long for you to drown in them because once you do, there'll be no turning back. You're not strong enough to deny him.

Heavy silence settles around the two of you, the air thick with turmoil and bitterness. His proximity and his desperation breaks your resolve faster than a thin layer of ice on a rain puddle.

A deep exhale pushes past your lips, your arms still limp by your side as you let him tilt your face up to look at him properly. You finally break the silence as you speak up and say, "Maybe we should just–"


His abrupt 'no' immediately cuts you off but you can't say that you didn't expect that.

"Don't ever suggest that again," he adds, a stern frown on his face.

Jungkook comes from a line of short relationships and situationships and when he initially started talking to you, that's how he thought it was going to end with you. Just a few months of fun but he was proved horribly wrong and it was like a punch to the gut for him.

He never expected that the little things would ever matter to him, that he would ever pay attention to any of it. Because he never did.

You were different.

He fell in love with everything about you.

Your eyes. Your smile. Your lips. The bridge of your nose.

The way your tongue pokes out at the corner of your mouth when you're concentrating, the way your brows pinch together and your eyes squint when you can't read something from a distance, the way your eyebrows raise when your name is called.

The way you're selfless and selfish at the same time, the way you always try his shit-cooking but never discourage him, the way you subconsciously stroke his hair when he's dozing off in your lap.

Everything about you, he finds endearing.

Not just endearing, he loves it. He loves you.

Anyone on the outside would call Jungkook's behaviour obsessive and maybe it is but you're just the same with him.

However, Jungkook is starting to flush his dream down the toilet for you and you don't want that. You love him too much to allow him to let anyone else get in the way of his dream.

"Please, don't do this to me," he pleads with a crack to his voice, salty tears noticeably pooling in his eyes. He peels his hand off your face to run it through his short locks, tugging on them in distress before he brings his hand back to your face. "Please."

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