The end

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After 95 fell on the ground, everyone gasped

“95!” Cried 98

98 gone towards 95, 98 was worried.

And 95 started to boot up and played his start up sound.

“Did You... Did you do it?” 95

“We sure did my friend” 98

And 98 hugged 95 while everyone were cheering up.

“Thank you for saving me but... What did you mean by [we]?” 95

“ I wouldn’t be able to save you without whistler’s help” 98

“ It is just my job, as I cure operating systems after all” whistler

“ No, it isn’t whistler, you two are true heros! “ 95

Everyone cheered up again.

“ Oh no, it’s just not a big deal” whistler

“ No, it is whistler , you are our hero! You did everything, i just helped you, no, we all did! “ 98

“ But you’re the one who noticed the problem in first place” whistler

“ But you solved it” 98

“ Oh okay... You two, how about we celebrate this moment with a food party at mine? Huh? “ 95

“ No no 95, I will make that party at mine, you need to rest” 98

“ No 98! YOU need to rest, you look pretty damn tired, I’m pretty sure that my sickness had exhausted you! “ 95

“ WHAT?! No! I’m not! I swear I WILL do it 95! “ 98

“Ok fine! Sheesh calm down man” 95

“ EVERYONE HELP ME, I THINK 2000 IS DYING “ cried Millennium

“Oh my let me check him” whistler

“Here comes the hero again” whispered 95

98 pushed 95 on his side

“Ow!” 95

Whistler went towards 2000 and checked on him.

“Is he... going to die?” Said millennium in a sad tone

“Fortunately your concern is wrong! Just some of his processes have stopped, all he needs is to rest and soon his processes will work again normally”

“Oh thank you whistler” said millennium with big relief

“ No problem! “ Whistler

“ And here comes the hero saves the day again :)” 95

Whistler blushed.

98 pushed 95 on his side again.

“ Ow hey! Stop! “ 95

“Ok I have to take 2000 back to his home” millennium

“ I’ll help you” xp

“ Thank you xp” millennium

“ You’re welcome! “ Xp

Then everyone went to his home, while 98, whistler and 95 were on their way home, 98 talked to 95.

“ Uh 95?” 98

“ Yes 98?” 95

“ How did you get infected by this malware?” 98

“ Oh I thought you wouldn’t ask, I was testing some samples of malware till one of them got out of my control and it infected me” 95

“ Oh this makes so much sense now, you should be really careful when your dealing with malware though” 98

“98’s right, you must take precautions pretty seriously when it comes to malware especially the ones that could spread you know” whistler

“ Yeah i should have been more careful and taken more precautions” 95

95 and 98 laughed, whistler giggled.

And hence our heros 98 and Whistler had stopped the malware with the help of other operating systems and heaven was once saved again.

Windows: 95's serious infectionWhere stories live. Discover now