" you look really good in this one....but when did you get this.." Jackson asked ...

" yeahhh...don't act fool now..."

" what...what I did .?"

" nothing...now come..we are already late.." saying this Jungkook went towards the passenger seat...Jackson looked at younger in confusion....but he shrugged it and get in the car...

Soon they reached at party...everyone was around there..the party was really lavish...drinks...food...dancers..music..everything was great...both jungkook and Jackson where enjoying alot...they both stood near to eachother...but at some point Jackson's friends took him away for drinks...jungkook had fun with his friend circle who were also present there....

Time passed quick...it's passed midnight....everyone walking with wobbly legs around..most of the people were drunk...Jackson too....although jungkook stopped him from drinking but he was already quite drunk...

Now it's time to go back...one bye one everyone left the hall...last one were the wedding couple and his friends...Jackson said bye to them and come out with jungkook....

" Hyung...I will drive...you are drunk..." jungkook said but Jackson denied..he tried to unlock the car..and sat in driving seat...

" Hyung you can't drive..let me drive..please.."

" no..no..no...I will drive..you sit beside me....I will take you home....." Jackson said in his drunk voice...

' it's ok...I am with him and it's already past midnight...there won't be much vehicles on road.' Jungkook thought and sat on passenger seat...Jackson started the car...the speed of the car was very low which made jungkook relaxed too...even if Jackson is drunk..he was driving very carefully....he didn't speed up more..his focus was clear on empty road...

But soon ..the alcohol inside him started to kick more....he felt dizzy...

Jackson stopped the car ...jungkook looked at him concerned...

" kookie...I can't drive more..." Jackson said..his voice shaking...his stomach felt weird....

" it's ok...you take a nap at back seat..I will drive..." jungkook said ..elder nodded and came out from driver seat...he inhaled the fresh air ....jungkook jumped to driving seat...

" Hyung  ..get inside...it's cold out there.." jungkook said when he saw Jackson standing outside the car without getting in...

Jackson felt more dizzy and his stomach started to growl....he was feeling like puking....he took some steps away from the car and Started to vomit...

" Hyung...what happened..." jungkook was about to come out from car but Jackson gesture him to stay inside..he knows younger is very sensitive to smell...

Jungkook was sitting inside the car...looking at his fiance who stood a little away from him and car..he was getting tense looking at his condition..but didn't noticed the place where Jackson stopped the car...

The car was stood in the middle of the road...because of darkness, jungkook didn't noticed much.....

On the other side...a car was coming towards this way...the driver was sleepy....he was driving with half open eyes...the car was on high speed....the driver saw the another car parked on the middle of the room...he wanted to press the break ..but by mistake he accelerated the car in to more speed....the car went out of his control and hit to the car which parked in the road....

Jackson turned back when the silence around him broke by the loud crash of metal..

The view infront of him made him go crazy....the alcohol in his system made him numb at the moment..

He  saw his  car rolling down on the street and stopped after hitting a pole...

Before he could register what was happening...he saw the small fire sparkle around the car....

" JUNGKOOK...!!!!!!! "

Jackson ran towards the car...but he couldn't reach there....

The car blasted..... 💥💥💥💥💥💥

Let me introduce the main two characters....

Let me introduce the main two characters

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Jeon jungkook

21 years

College students

Fiance- Jackson

Death by car accident

Jackson Wang22 years College students

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Jackson Wang
22 years
College students

Fiance- late jungkook

Blaming himself for his fiance death


Hi guys..

So how's the new chapter....

Don't worry

The story is just going to begin....

Hope you will find it interesting .....

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Stay happy and healthy 💗😊

Chinnu 💜& Crystal 🔮

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