Tʜᴇ Lᴜᴄᴋʏ Cᴏᴍᴘᴀss

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"Hm. Sounds like there's a reoccurring theme here."

"Yeah, you have a death compass." Pope says

"I do not."

"You definitely do." Estrella says scratching behind her ear

"You have a death compass, John B."

"Dude, get rid of it." JJ says as John B walks to his dad's desk, "It's cursed, and made its way back to you."

"Look, my dad used to talk about this compartment in here." He says pulling out the compass, "Soldiers used to hide secret notes."

He opens it and shakes until the cover comes off. On the inside, there's something carved into it.

"What's that?" Kie points out

"That wasn't there before. This is my dad's handwriting."

"How can you know that?" Pope says

"Because he does these weird Rs with the..." He shows Pope, "See it?"

"Can I see it?" JJ asks as he stands behind John B. Estrella stood by Pope at the front of the desk, "Red... Rout... No, I think that's an A."

"It says Redfield." Kie says


"Okay, well, what's Redfield?"

"Literally the most common name in the county." Estrella nods

"Oh, maybe it's a clue. Maybe it's a clue to where he's hiding." John B says

"Okay..." JJ says

"A clue? Come on, that's..." Pope tries, but gets a look from Kie. He clears his throat, "But if it is a clue, maybe it's an anagram?"

"Yes. Perfect. Anagram." John B snaps his fingers, "You need paper." He digs around grabbing a piece of paper and handing it to Pope, "Okay. Here you go."

"How can you concentrate with that thing constantly crowing at you?" Pope says

"JJ loves the rooster."

"I love the rooster." Kie says

"Let me think."

"Seriously, think."

"Dedfiel. Colors... That's stupid."

"What about Ritalin?"

"Um... Dreidel? Fiddler?"

"Let's stick with what we're..."

"Defile. Does that mean anything to you?"

"Guys." John B says. Estrella looks up, but the others keep talking amongst themselves.

"You're missing a letter."

"Guys!" John B exclaims, "Somebody's here."

They walk over to the window, "Guys, guys, is that them?" Kie says

"No." JJ sighs as he recognizes them

"Is that them?"

"This is suboptimal." Pope says

"John B, I told you." JJ says as he paces, "Why does it always..."

"JJ!" John B says as he pins him to the wall, "Hey, look at me. Where's the gun?"

"Gun? I, uh, I can't..."

"Now you don't have the gun, the one time we need the gun?"

"Think, Jay." Estella says

"It was in my backpack, and then I..."

"Backpack... On the porch." John B says

"It's on the porch." JJ looks up before jumping up

"Go, go." John B says as JJ opens the door. He makes it down the hall before one of the men enter the house.

"John Routledge!"

JJ hurries and turns back around to run into the room. He closes the door behind him, "They're on the front porch, guys."

"Get out here!"

"Routledge! Where you at, boy?"

"We gotta leave!" Kie whispers

"Guys, window. Window." Estrella points as JJ and Pope run over.

"Hurry." Kie whines. They both try and get the window open, "What... what's happening? Why is it taking so long?"

"It's painted shut, okay?" JJ snaps

Estrella rummages through the papers on the desk looking for anything sharp. She sighs in relief as she picks up something resembling a knife. She moves Kie aside as she approaches the boys.

"Move. Move. Move." She says frantically. They back up as she uses the knife to cut through the paint on the window.

"Come on, Star."

"I'm going as fast as I can." She says

"Shh... Be quiet." Pope and John B say. Kie jumps as one of the men push up against the door. John B and Pope push back against it.

"You better not be in there!"

"Estrella, hurry."

"Shut up, Kie." She says as she makes it to the end of the seal. The man starts kicking the door. John B and Pope run toward the window. Estrella drops the knife and she and JJ push the window open.

"Okay." JJ says. Kie jumps out first before JJ puts his hand on Estrella's back urging her to go next. As she jumps down, she looks around for somewhere for them to hide.

She reaches back and grabs Kie's hand as the boys jump out one by one. She runs toward the chicken coop and gets down to crawl in. She goes to the corner as they all pile in.

JJ sat by Estrella as John B watched the men come out with years worth of research. The rooster in the coop, starts to make more noise than usual. Estrella brings her knees to her chest as she sets her hands in her hair.

"Do something, Pope. Shut him up." JJ whispers harshly

"What do you want me to do?"

"Pet it, or talk to it. I don't know." Kie cries. As they hear a door slam, John B backs up by Kie.

"You do something."

JJ grunts as he grabs the rooster by the neck. He slams it to the ground as he squeezes and wrings its neck. He slams it again before it stops making noise. He sits back as he finally lets it go.

John B looks back out as the men get into their truck and leave. Estrella letting out a deep breath as Kie cries harder.


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