New Light

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Days passed and I hadn't heard from Hugo since he told me he loved me. I felt so stupid. I decided to bury myself into work. That kept my mind occupied for a while. But I was still at the beginning and soon I found myself without nothing to do.

I spent my days at home, mainly zapping through the channels. Even TV bored me.
One day Charles had enough.
«Get up and get dressed» he told me.
Nothing was going to move me from our couch.
«I said get up and get dressed! My mother is coming to pick Chiara up, let's go» he repeated while pulling my arms. So I did what he said.
Sometimes he was a pain in the ass but I needed some fresh air.

We started walking outside of the city, through a path in the woods.
«If you wanted to murder me you could have done it before» I said, exhausted by the walk.
«Ma chère I'll admit I have thought of that but that's not happening» he replied with a smile.
We continued walking up the hill. In all the years that I've lived in Monaco, I've never done this hike.

Once we got to the top I was amazed. Tête de Chien was hard to reach but gratifying once you got there. I loved living in that beautiful place.
«Guess you've never been here» he said after seeing my face. I was in awe.
«This is a special place to me» He sat down on the rocks while staring at the view. I sat beside him, trying to catch my breath and enjoying the moment.

«When I need to think or vent I come here. It's quiet and there's no one around. I've been coming here for a few years now - he paused for a moment - I know that your hurt. You need to get everything out of your system. Vent to me»
I waited a minute. Could I really trust him?

«You know Hugo was the first friend I made when I moved here? Marta was just my annoying cousin who dragged me with your group. But he was the one that made me part of the group. He was my best friend, my confidant, my anchor. I feel empty without him»

Charles listened to me talking and crying for a good hour. He was there for me when I didn't know I needed him. Once I finished talking he waited a moment to talk back.
«I've known Hugo my whole life. I know him like the palm of my hand. I won't lie to you, I knew he was in love with you. Since he met you, he adored you. I don't know why» he laughed while I gently punched his arm.

«Maybe I didn't like you because I knew about his feelings and I knew that they weren't mutual. I hated that you were hurting my brother. But cutting you off like this is unacceptable. This time I can't defend him»

So he knew. All this time he knew.
«You said you didn't like me. So you like me now?»
«I'm still deciding. You are too messy to live with»
We laughed. We weren't bickering. We were joking like old friends.

«You did! You said it was an accident but I knew you had spilled your drink on me on purpose!»
«Okay maybe I did that. But you gave me the worst fork! I had to get my revenge!»
We spent the whole day up there, remembering old times.
We stayed silent for a while, admiring the sun go down. Then he talked.

«Confession time. I'm sorry I was so awful to you. I was a real jerk and you didn't deserve it. Now that I'm getting to know you, you're not that bad to hang out with. Sure, you made all my white shirts pink while doing the laundry. But, for what it matters, I think Marta and Riccardo couldn't have chosen a better godmother for Chiara»

I tried to talk but he told me to wait. "Confession time" was not over.
«You have to understand that I'm trying to change. It is hard for me but I'm trying. For Chiara. I want her to have the best life possible and I understood that I needed to do something else. I broke up with Charlotte. She didn't understand how important the baby is to me. She thought that it was just an excuse to spend more time with you. So I decided that it was enough»

I hugged him so tight I believe I've almost choked him. Finally the pieces were falling into place. Everything was getting better.
We went back home, got ready and went out to dinner after Charles burned the lasagna his mother left us in the oven.

@alba.mira  just posted a new photo.

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Liked by 675 people
alba.mira good times
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charles_leclerc worst idea ever
joris__trouche i'm still the best photographer

That night I knocked on the door of Charles' room. He told me to come in but I didn't. I just opened the door a bit. It was still strange to enter his room. He was playing with his phone, Chiara sound asleep beside him.
«I'll put her to bed in a minute, I just wanted to send a photo to my mom»
«Don't worry. Just...thanks for today. I needed that»
He looked at me and smiled.
«Everything for a friend».

this is me trying || charles leclercOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora