Lost and Found: Chapter 1

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A/N: I'm writing this to improve my crappy writing skills. Comment for suggestions on how to improve my trash writing. Narrator POV is be used sparingly. Thanks! I highly suggest you read this chapter, even though it takes place on Earth.

Background Info: The story originally takes place in the Federation of Siberia, but then switches over to Copper 9. I have changed the plot line. Earth is not destroyed, and worker drones still do their jobs on Earth.


-----Narrator POV-----

Ivan woke up in his dorm room. He didn't have a roommate, as requested. He yawns for a minute, and then does some stretching (ya know, the morning stretch that threatens to break your neck and spine feeling). Ivan looks over at his alarm clock.

"That's odd. Wasn't it supposed to ring like 14 minutes ago?" He asks himself. He puts on his socks and shoes. Ivan runs to the bathroom to get prepared. After brushing his teeth with the ferocity of a manufacturing machine, he stumbles into the small kitchenette. 

By now, it was 7:31 AM. Ivan reaches for the cereal, and makes sure to put the cereal in the bowl first before the milk. Whoever does it the opposite, is a monstrosity, according to him. He sits down in peace, grabbing a fork.

Yes, Ivan eats his cereal with a FORK. No, he is not in a mental institution, rather, in a state-of-the-art college. How? I don't know and I don't care. Ivan starts to poke the cereal with no success.

He twirls the fork around in the bowl, bored and had seemingly lost his appetite. Just then, a small, short robot 'accidentally' crashes into him, not looking where they (robot) was going.

"Uh, Ivan, aren't you supposed to be in class right now? I mean, History started at 7:25 and now it's. 7:49," the robot asked him. "Come on, let's go."

Ivan's pupils recoiled in terror. "Aww, shi--" He couldn't even finish the sentence when the robot pulled him away and dragged him out of his dorm room.

"Ellis, couldn't you have woken me up at the right time?" he asked the robot, whose name was apparently Ellis.

"Sorry, Ivan but I was working on oiling up my joints. I haven't done that in a while, and my arms are starting to feel the tension," Ellis replied.

Ivan grumbled as he walked, humiliated into his class. History. Weren't we supposed to go to a visit to Copper 9 today? He thought, as he walked.

The halls of New Los Angeles College Institute of History were empty, just empty. Not a single soul in sight. Of course, the students were all inside their respective classrooms, learning.

As he turned right, he saw his classroom door come into view. His hands were sweating. What if they left already? What will I do? Will they laugh at me? He gulped, and then turned the handly slowly. 

Ivan's professor, yanks open the door. Professor Ethan (call him Prof) glares at Ivan, as he sees his classmates grouped up behind Prof. They're about to leave. I came just in time! 

"Why are you so late? Come on, let's go before we miss our space flight," Prof says, clearly annoyed. Ivan's other classmates looked pissed by his tardiness. Ivan shoots a glare at each one of them, suggesting them to 'Don't say a single thing or I will personally mutilate your neck so much that people will think you are an alien'.

Even though he looked at them, telling them a message, one of Ivan's classmates, Alyssa, giggles and says, "Ewww. Look at this idiot," Her friends laugh out loud, with her. Ivan ignores their remarks and other crap they yell at him and join the back of the line.

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