Chapter 11

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Louis was always content with routine.
Today however was different as he rushed around in search for certain food supplies he needed. He typically was on top of everything, of course he had to be as it was one of his top duties. It was one of the responsibility's his brother assigned to him therefore it was important he excelled and executed it well.

"What are you doing ?" You ask standing still in the doorway. These men lived in a manor that was the size of a house you could only dream of and yet Louis seemed to be their only man seemingly doing chores.                              Did they not have staff ?
They looked like they could afford it.

"Gathering together a list of what I need to prepare for supper later." He stated.
"I can go get it for you ?" You offer out of pure boredom, no seriousness evident in your tone. "Absolutely not." His back is still turned to you as his shoulders suddenly tensed, tensions tight seemingly always.
Perhaps more in your presence.
"Then let me go with you !" You gasp at the seemingly brilliant idea.

Really he had no reason to deny you.

"I need some air." You sigh, your attempt at stepping away was quickly dismissed as Louis grabs your wrist, catching you before you could make your exit.
The shop that Louis brought you to was becoming more busy and busy as the minute went by since the evening was growing late. You were wrong to think that walking somewhere would ease you. Or maybe Louis' glares were finally digging into your back. "We've been here not even ten minutes can you really not manage ?" He asks with genuine curiosity, no taunting. You simply groan in response dropping your arm so he lets go of yours.

As soon as you stepped outside the shop you're hit with the freshness of a passing breeze. You look out upon the busy road seeing people together smiling and laughing. You take in a deep breath and exhale, hoping to ease the tension in your chest. "Excuse me." You hear from behind you. A stranger eyes you up and down and you have to stop yourself from pulling a naturally disgusted expression. He nods to someone that you assume is stood out of your view but before you can turn back around to look you're suddenly grabbed.

"Louis !" You cry out, desperate for someone to notice.
"Ugh ! It's like watching a child." Louis mumbles, his eyes still observing his list.
The sound of your voice was partially muffled due to you being outside and him still stood indoors.
"Louis !" You scream but that only encourages the stranger to quickly pull you away. It was only when Louis heard you call his name again did he sense the urgency in your tone. When Louis looks out the shops window he's met with the unexpected sight.

You're pulled back as a unknown man behind pulls you into him as he traps you in his arms a hand going over your mouth preventing you from making a sound. Before you can even dare bite his hand he one ups you by pulling out a knife and rests it right under your chin. Despite not even seeing the knife the sharpness that could do easily cut you sends chills down your spine.
You're dragged into a carriage instantly.
"Not a word or you'll never say a word ever again." He whispers in your ear and at that you try stop yourself from gagging.

"Do you mind ?" You scoff, managing to slightly turn back to face the man.
"I could've cut myself there ?!"

"Stop that carriage !" Louis calls out, running out onto the road. Frustration evident in his eyes as seemingly no one listens, the carriage practically disappears as it moves on. Louis catches on right away at how the sun has began to set.
He needed to make the others aware and he needed to do it now.

"Brother !" Louis calls out, catching sight of his older brother seeming also returning home, cane in hand and top hat on his head. This was all your fault, Louis was sure of that. He wasn't panicked that you were in danger he somehow has a feeling that's your somehow pull through like s sly Fox. The only thing he was truly panicked about was this current situation interfering with his brothers plans.

"What is it Louis ?" Williams asks, taking in the appearance of his brother that he barely saw today. William knew straight away something was wrong from the look in Louis' piercing eye, his other being still covered by his blond hair.
"Are you alright?" He asks with genuine concern, worrisome evident in his brows.
"It's y/n !" Just from Louis tone, William needed no further explanation.
"Louis gather the others together." He spoke with such determination evident in not only his tone but his eyes as well.

"It's one thing after another with her isn't it ?" Moran didn't hide his slight irritation as he rolled his eyes, Fred following right behind him as the pair found the others all ready gathered where all their meetings took place. "Let's assume no further harm has been given her way." William states, standing still as the others began to sat down. "She'll be fine." Moran nods, sharing a glance with Fred. "As long as she doesn't bang that head of hers that is." "We have to work quickly." Fred agrees. "We still don't know whose behind this." Albert states what exactly was on William's mind.

"I've got what we need !" A familiar voice calls out. "Where the hell have you been hiding, Herder ?" Moran smirks, not surprised to see the sight of the man holding numerous guns in his arms.
"Perfect timing, Herder." William nods, his mind already ahead accessing what the essentials were. What they needed to do to get you back. The gunmaker didn't hesitate to throw the multiple different weapons out onto the table before them

"Now all is on order." William shares a glance at his fellow men just like the countless times before when assembling a plan. But this time was somewhat different. "There is something causing a sudden shift in our plans !" Louis for a moment lets it be known that he speaks with annoyance evident in his tone.

That something was clearly you.

William couldn't help but sense he needed to speak to Louis about such arrangements. A talk of reassurance of such. But that could wait.

"As of now, our original mission will be momentarily put aside."

"Tonight my one concern is retrieving y/n from whoever is responsible. But until I know y/ns safe, knowing who organised this is none of my concern."

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