Chapter 10

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Question after question after question.
Yet you wouldn't receive any answers.
Perhaps it was due to the fact that you could only have the courage to think about them and not even consider whispering them let alone saying them out loud for others to hear.

You definitely won't find answers here that's for certain. So far you hadn't been successful but then again up till now you weren't actively searching for the truth due to shock. You're still in shock of course, but it is evident that it's beginning to numbing. There's no one to confide in. Even if there was you weren't sure of who or even where to find them.
Either way you knew it wasn't a pub or a market.

There's nothing here in the manor that will solve it. That was proven quick when you first met William rather upbrutly. You're just glad the situation hasn't been brought up since. Come to think of it, you were also glad you hadn't seen Albert of late since you did in fact finish his bottle of wine that night. You didn't even consider how expensive it was.

But you were desperate and where can desperate people find answers when they no longer have access to a phone ?
Books.  "I know !" You practically jump up from the small bed. 

        "I'll pay William a visit !"

From what you understood, William is a mathematician. Of course maths couldn't help you get anywhere but a university must have books in other fields of subjects. Maybe just maybe you'd find something small to help guide you on your way. But as you managed to find yourself there you couldn't help but look all around you to stare on in awe.
It was so different compared to your own personal experience in education.
Well obviously, it wasn't like you ever attended the university of Durham but still.

People were walking around rather cheerfully in groups chatting loud as the rarely bright sun shined down on all.
An atmosphere you've never really experienced before.
The architecture also slightly threw you off. From what you remembered from your time buildings like this were extremely old and new buildings were plain and simple, practically dull compared to the old ones.

But how were you suppose to find the library if you couldn't run into every single room of the building ? It would only take a matter of time before you'd be recognised as a trespasser. "Come on lads !" You hear from near you in the courtyard.
You were quick to run around a corner, making sure to not be noticed.
Hiding behind a wall, you peek around to spot a young student walking towards two other students, looking rather eager.

"We have professor Moriarty's class soon !"

Your eyes widen at their words. You were quick to follow them from a distance. You watched on as the students walked into what you assumed to be a classroom.
But just as they walked in they were quick to leave again. You wonder if maybe they had time until class started so they simply left their belonging in the room so they could go continue freely about for however long. You took slow steps into the empty classroom, simply blown away at the sight. You weren't sure what you were expecting but definitely not this.
The room was too enormous to process, you struggled to believe this was a genuine classroom.

Even when you timidly walked upon the high steps onto the balcony, you couldn't believe the quality of the room.
Your fingers run against the wooden bannister. Of course as soon as you sat down there was now only one thing to do.


As some time passed your eyes begin to flutter and your senses heighten at the sound of chatter. You nearly gasped when you realised. The class was currently taking place. When you looked down you could only stare on at the sight of William teaching seemingly a dozen students.
Maybe it was near the end of the class ? You hoped it was. You did contemplate just simply walking out but you were quick to realise that the room was filled with just young men and you would stick out like a sore thumb if you left now.
But you couldn't help but wonder how did no one notice you at all ? You were sat at the very back off on the side where you'd actually stand out more so were no students bored of this class ?
You were and you're not even a student.
There was no way that William was teaching that good that no student of his was bored ? Was he ?

Even when you squint your eyes to no avail, you still couldn't make out what was on the board. He looked so...confident. In himself. He didn't speak quietly and his voice wasn't  demanding yet it was clear and from what you could tell just by peering at the students even though some seemed tired they all listened and watched William like a hawk.
For a moment you could only lay your head in your arms in defeat as you realised that you were stuck here.
You didn't really think about him having that effect on others. William had his back turned to the students as he wrote an equation on the board
"And perhaps even then-
William for once mistakenly looked up to his right just at the exact moment you raised your head from your strained arms. It was as if time has frozen as you both locked eyes with one another. His eyes squinting up at you while your eyes widened like a deer caught in headlights.

Just like that William finished the class and as students began to pack up to leave you were rather quick to look away and avoid those unreal eyes staring you down.
William acknowledged all students before they left the room and you hoped that he would soon follow. He did not.

"So you really are a professor ?" You ask, gripping onto your long skirt hoping William didn't notice the slight trip in your step as you carefully made your way down. He did. "Did you assume I was being dishonest about my occupation ?"
He asked, placing his hands behind his back as if he were still teaching like the professional that he is.

"I though you were just covering up for another job, I don't know." You simply shrug, briefly turning back to look around the huge room.
Of course, you missed the slight smirk evident on William's face that was wiped away as soon as you faced him again. "I thought Louis had you doing chores this morning ?" Williams ask, gathering the dozen sheets of paper left on his desk. "He did ! He even wrote me a list but I left before I even started." You smirk proudly. You weren't even going to deny it.

Instead of walking by William's side you opted for just simply following behind him like a lost puppy. Although you managed to get to the university with no problems, as the evening grew late and the sky began to darken you weren't completely sure how to find your way back.

Minutes go by walking in silence with no conversation taking place between the two of you. You partly did want to indulge yourself in small talk yet the words simply didn't come out of your mouth. But even peeking a glance at William's face he didn't seem that keen on the idea either. Maybe he had a rough day ? Were his lessons really that short or was it cut short because of you ?
Yeah, silence was the better option.

But silence didn't last long as you heard William greeting someone, you looked up to the sight of William speaking happily to Louis. You wonder if maybe they always met up on the way home.
You look around from behind William giving Louis a little wave all the while he simply returns a raised brow along with a scoff. There was a part of you that thought if the others had noticed you had left, in particular you were curious about Louis. But by a simple glance at the annoyance that shined through his glasses you guessed he somehow anticipated you once again leaving. Although maybe he wasn't anticipating your return ? It was evident now.

Maybe you shouldn't sneak out anymore.

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