20. A punch straight to the heart

Start from the beginning

Adam takes a small step towards me. I look down. This happens whenever I am guilty about something. And right now I am not just feeling guilty about asking Adam to leave, even though he is just trying to help me, but also embarrassed about crying like a kid in front of him.

Adam grabs my chin with his warm masculine hand and forces me to look into his breathtaking eyes. I tense. Rendell is literally standing right here and Adam is being all touchy with me. What is he trying to prove exactly? That I am in fact sleeping with him?

I try to free myself from his hold but his grip on my chin tightens. My tears are long gone and it feels like everyone has blurred from the background. My terror, my guilt, my embarrassment, every emotion is gone and exchanged with just one. My attraction towards his fearless, authoritative, heart-melting, and mesmerizing forest-green eyes.

"Fine. I'll leave, but you have got to stop giving him the upper hand. He doesn't deserve you," he says softly. Don't I know that? Rendell Morgan has and will never ever deserve Bella Reynolds.

"Then who does? You?" Rendell gives proof of his presence.

"Shut the fuck up." Adam barks.

"Come on Adam, I'll walk you to the door," Grandi says.

Adam doesn't leave my chin. With concern-filled eyes and a little of something else too, which I can't put into words, he leaves my chin slowly. He looks briefly into my eyes and then follows Grandi outside.

Rendell tries to approach me, but Michael and Albert, Grandi's kind of bodyguards hold him from each arm.

"What should we do with him, Ma'am?" Michael, almost 6'4, asks me.

"Take him to his uncle's house. He must remember the address." I reply.

They take Rendell out like some criminal. I can't believe I married someone like him. I thought he was anything but a foul-mouthed asshole. Turns out he's everything that fulfills the criteria for a lowly piece of trash.


Do you know the feeling when you think something was a dream, but then you wake up and remember that it did happen for real? Yeah. That's a reality check, bitches. This is the worst morning of my entire life. First, I woke up late, then I watched two episodes of 'How to Get Away with Murder', and now I am all ready to go have coffee at my favorite coffeehouse, Starbucks.

Normally, I would wear my work clothes even for coffee, but today is an exception because I am sad and angry. I wore black and white ankle-length straight pants, paired with a black and white cropped hoodie. It's my saying, 'Wear Addidas when you're feeling low'.

I am going down the stairs when Rendell stops me halfway

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I am going down the stairs when Rendell stops me halfway. My rage reaches the top of Burj Khalifa when I see Rendell's messed up face. His eyes are red due to lack of sleep I am assuming. "What the fuck are you doing here?" I raise my voice and start to get down.

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