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"Where are you heading to", Mrs. Owolabi asked Ella,

"I will be back in a few minute," I replied, picked my keys and drove out hurriedly. I had to sleep over at my parents' house the day before due to some conditions.

"Good morning madam welcome to Global bank plc, how may I help you", one of the bank attendants said to me as I got to his place in the bank.

"#500000 disappeared from my account yesterday, please I need an explanation on that", I replied him with anger. Just yesterday evening I received an alert that #500000 was debited from my account, I wasn't sure about the debit, that was why I had to come down to the bank this morning to verify.

"Please kindly fill this form", he said handling me the form. I filled it and gave it back to him.

After a few minute of standing by the counter, refusing to seat down,

"Well madam the money was transferred to one Ajao Okafor and the transaction was done through the ATM yesterday, so we can easily get the picture of the sender that used your ATM, he said without looking away from the system."

"You mean the person transferred the money using my ATM card?"

"Yes, here is his picture," he turned the monitors screen to my side for easy viewing.

"What!" I screamed. I can't believe what I just saw, "no, it is not possible. No, no, no I think there is a mix up. Help me in confirming the account number I wrote on the form."I called out my account number and the attendant nodded. He read the details of the account from the system and it was all mines. "Why will.....him... " I kept asking myself, stammering

"Madam do you know the person on the screen?" He asked as he saw me muttering some words not audible enough,

"Yes, in fact very well"

"Then it is very possible for him to do this, he must have gotten a hold of your card and pin easily."

"Thank you very much sir, I will take it up from here, I need the evidence and the details of the account the money was transferred to."

Some minutes later he printed them out and handed them to me. I went straight to my parent, to explain what I lust unveiled. On getting home I met both of them at the living room

"Mummy, daddy you won't believe he is a thief," I said as I sighted them, not bothering to greet them.

"Who is that?" my mother asked, surprised at my reaction


"What do you mean but the guy looks responsible", my dad said greatly astonished.

"It is well written over his face. Darling I know there is something about the guy, I just couldn't pinpoint", my mum added angrily coming towards me.

"I received a debit alert of #500000 yesterday so I went to the bank this morning and this is whatI discovered", I said giving the papers to my dad. "Bayo transferred the amount from my account to that guy, thank God the surveillance camera was active I wouldn't have known the kind of person he is", I said bursting into tears.

"Don't worry I will make him know who really Mr.Owolabi is," my dad angrily told me and picked his phone.

"Why?Why?Bayo!Howcould you do this to me", I kept muttering in tears.

"Its okay, my baby it's even good you know about him now, thank God you are not yet married", my mother consoled me with her words while I was crying.


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