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"Gboa," I heard gunshot just as I was about leaving the toilet. I ran back and watched from a hidden corner, "bossna one fish the thing catch, we no see the second one." I heard a guy in mask say over the phone, "okay boss,"he said again and they walked out of the hostel majestically. I had heard different cases of murder done by cultists but never witnessed one, not until today.

Only God knows who they had come to kill this time I kept thinking as I got out of the spot I buried my head after their sight are no longer seen, running to my room to relay the scene to Tunji, I saw a crowd rushing to our room, on getting there a corpse drenching with blood was on the floor, looking closer I saw my friends body covered in blood. "What is happening", I shouted with tears running towards his body,

"Bayo, you have to take heart he was gunned down by some guys that left here shortly and from what we heard over the phone it seems they are after both of you", Samuel one of the hostellite said crying and stopping me from shaking the dead body.

"But what is your relationship with the guys, it seems they are cult member so", another friend of ours said with tears.

I was dumbfounded I cannot reply any of the questions because I was totally confused,

"Why?Why?Tunji you have to wake up, no! You can't go," I shouted after shaking him for minutes with no positive response. I started shaking with tears all over me, the next minute I was down.

I woke up still trying to open my eyes, I could faintly see black uniforms and some of my friends, not knowing where I was but knew I was on a bed,

"Where am I? Where is Tunji?" I asked Samuel that was beside me when my eyes fully jerked open,

"Bayo calm down Tunji is dead, you fainted at the scene of the incident so we had to rush you down to the school clinic", he explained. I was trying to withdraw my tears but I couldn't,

"Mr. Adebayo do you happen to have any business with those guys or have you by chance seen their faces?" One of the man in black asked that I now noticed to be a policeman,

With tears and faint distinct voice "no sir I don't know anyone of them and am very sure Tunji has nothing to do with them either."

"Why then are they after both of you as was reported by your friends?"

"I don't know sir, all this, I don't even seem to digest the concept of what just happened."

"You have to stay away from school for a while because from the look of things they will be on your trail, but we will invite you down to our station whenever we noticed any development", another police said with a more consoling voice and they left the room.

"Bayo, I don't know much about these guys but am sure they are dangerous, and gets whatever they want because issue like this can only be traced to the eagles?" Yusuf a friend of mine said.

"Eagles, w ..... What do you mean by that", I asked in a confused mourning state.

"My friend, eagles are the only operating cultist with deadly unknown members and they do things without even the management knowing in this institution. Bayo I know all this because I was a victim", showing me a scar in his leg, "and this was the result. What I will just say now is that you have to be very careful and most importantly pack out from your room and leave the school premises, because they will surely be back."

"Thank you very much Yusuf, can you please get my things for me so that I can go home from here",

"That's not a problem I will be right back" he said pitifully and left. Few minutes later he was back with bags,

"I can't actually distinguish Tunji's things from yours so I had to pack everything since they are not all that much."

"Thank you I really appreciate", I said looking devastated.

"It's nothing, I wish you all the best, take this for your transport", he handed some naira notes to me.

"Ah Yusuf thank you, God will forever be with you", I retorted with tear looking at the naira notes as I collected it from him.

"Its fine, I will be leaving now and sorry about the loss, the lord is your strength", he replied patting my arms and left the clinic room.

Alone in the room, I still can't believe Tunji was gone, "who could have done this? He is an easy going guy and he is known for that". I thought about the times we spent together and cried loudly, I cried for our solemn relationship, "I have lost a brother, a friend" I shouted and wailed more. Later in the evening I got discharged and went home directly from the clinic, since it was just an hour drive from my school.


"Bayo what is the problem? Why are you here with your bags?"My mother asked as she saw my face while I entered the house after greeting her,

"Mama, Tunji has travelled abroad and the hostel portal sent me out as a result of been a scouter. So I have to come home with my things until I can secure an accommodation", I replied to her frankly neglecting eye contact. I can't tell the truth to my mother, she would not be able to handle it, so I came up with a different story.

"Okay but does that account for your sad mood?"She asked me with deep concern.

"Yes, but am actually fine, it's just the stress I came up with in the car," I replied faking a smile.

"Alright let me get you something to eat."

"Thank you ma"

On getting to my room the first thing that caught my attention was the picture I took with Tunji on our matriculation day hanging on the wall, I dropped my bags, picked the picture and stared at it as if he should be resurrected,"I can't believe you are gone Tunji, may your soul rest in perfect peace", I muttered and slept off crying holding the picture close to my chest.

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