Chapter 46: Conclusion of Idonea

Start from the beginning

"For your information, you fool, that so-called 'useless child' is now one of my followers, so watch your language next time. Now, the other one, tell me why you tried harming Idonea; make this quick; I'm getting annoyed." Ordered Elif as he tapped his finger on the throne's armrest while feeling Irritated at what the man said since calling Idonea useless is the same as calling Elif useless for allowing her to be his follower.

"Y-Yes P-Prince Elif. I-I attacked Ms. Idonea as I was given orders to do so by my father, and I was also angry at her for what she did to my younger brother." Said the boy, trembling in fear while stuttering his words.

Since Illumia did not act, everything he said was true, though that just caused me to get even more annoyed as that meant I had to deal with his father as well, which was such a hassle.

'Ugh, why did I have to spout that nonsense earlier? Now look what I've done! I should've just stayed quiet and let Illumia deal with them.' Thought Elif as he massaged the side of his forehead, starting to feel exasperated about the whole situation.

"Illumia, could you bring-"

"Here you go, your highness; Marquess Vann is here." Said Illumia, as she cut Elif off mid-way through speaking since she had already brought who he was going to request.

Marquess Vann was much brighter than both of them as when he was finished observing the situation he was brought into, he stayed quiet and kneeled beside his son, something that slightly eased my frustration.

"How may my presence serve you, Prince Elif?" Said Marquess Vann respectfully.

"I've accepted Idonea as my follower, so I'm sure you understand why I brought you here, so what type of punishment do you desire?" Asked Elif while looking down at Vann, who seemed to realize his situation entirely.

"Well, Prince Elif, seeing how you only now did this, I'm assuming you didn't accept her as your follower before I had my son attack her, and seeing how she was perfectly fine during the previous match, I believe my son didn't manage to harm her. So since nothing major happened, I believe we should receive light punishment." Answered Vann respectfully and calmly, though inside, he was slightly nervous.

Almost everything he said was correct, though his son did cause a fracture on the back of her skull, but since I'm irritated, I decided not to mention it and move on as I wanted this to be over quickly.

"Everything you said was true and reasonable, so for your punishment, you'll give me your dimension ring along with all of your valuables in it, and you'll be allowed to leave." Said Elif after some thinking, and it didn't seem like Marquess Vann disapproved either.

After Vann destroyed the imprint on his dimension ring, he held it out in his hand, which I then grabbed with a Royal Elf's Palm while also checking the contents of said spirit ring.

'Hmm, the contents are mediocre, and he has nothing I'm interested in; I guess I could just hand this over to Idonea; she might need some resources when cultivating.' Thought Elif as he rested the spirit ring down beside him.

"Alright, you two are free to leave, just don't do something stupid like attacking Idonea again." Said Elif, eyeing Marquess Vann and his son as they bowed to him before leaving the room through the door.

Releasing an exasperated sigh, I shifted my focus to who I assume is Idonea's father, and looking at him further annoyed me since he is part of the reason why my mood is now ruined.

"Now it's your turn, you fool, explain." Ordered Elif in an annoyed voice, causing the man to get even more frightened.

"Y-Your highness, please wait!" Said Idonea from behind, clearly not fully healed as she struggled to walk just a few meters.

Seeing Idonea walking in such a terrible state, I grabbed my forehead in exhaustion as I picked her up with a purple palm before setting her down beside her father.

"What are you doing, Idonea? You should currently be healing, not walking about." Said Elif, slightly annoyed at her actions.

"M-my apologies, your highness, I had woken up recently, but when I sensed this man was here, I couldn't rest." Said Idonea while kneeling with difficulty.

Seeing how she didn't even look at him while also not addressing him as her father was more than a big enough clue that Idonea didn't like him, which slightly piqued my interest in why she would even bother with speaking on his behalf.

"So then, do you plan to speak on his behalf to try and dissolve his punishment?" Asked Elif, though it was just a rhetorical question as he didn't believe Idonea would say yes.

"Yes, your highness." Said Idonea, causing her father to get happy, though her words took Elif by complete surprise; however, only when she continued speaking did he understand.

"If possible, I hope Baron Voyāge could receive no punishment for his actions, as I would like to personally punish him by getting my revenge for everything he's done to me when I become strong enough." Continued Idonea, which caused a smirk to form on Elif's face, while her father was shocked before turning angry.

"You little unfilial daughter, after everything I've done, this is how you repay ME!" Shouted the man in great anger, though he was quickly silenced by Illumia, who pressured him to the ground.

"Please tell me what have you done for me!? All you did was ruin my life at the age of four; everything I cared for was taken just days later, then you abandoned me, and I was forced to live in the streets and fend for myself, just knowing I have your blood flowing through me fills me with rage. As I said, I hope my request is possible, your highness." Said Idonea in anger as she looked at her father while releasing killing intent before instantly calming down and shifting her attention to Elif.

I didn't really care who or how her father was punished, so it didn't really matter to me if he stayed alive for a couple more years or whatever, besides someone like him doesn't deserve any of my time wasted on him.

"Sure, I don't mind, just know that since you asked for this, I won't be helping you with this." Said Elif, though while Idonea's expression didn't change, her father almost showed despair; however, before he could say anything, his body was whisked away into the same portal he had come out of previously.___

Created a discord server, so if anyone wishes to join, it also works this time; I've reset it again, (Note: this link only lasts for one week)



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