Manushi stood in front of him stretching both of her hands shielding him from others.The kids didn't expected her to be shown up."Manushi he is a bad guy.He stole our things.We are teaching him a lesson" A fat guy tried to caox her.

"Manushi he used to bully us a lot" another girl said to her.

But Manushi shook her head "No he is not a bad guy.I don't believe you guys"

Another guy stood in front of her and said "Do you even know his name?How can you believe him instead of us?"

Manushi said "If I don't know his name then I will name him myself"

Then she turned to look at him and she blinked couple of times "Adi,I will call you Adi"

Other started to laugh at her "His name is Aditya not Adi"

Manushi stomped her feet in anger "I don't care.I will call him Adi" with that she grabbed Aditya and walked away from them.

She took him to her mother.Mrs.singh was shocked to see Aditya's bruised face.She wiped his wounds and applied some ointment.

Suddenly Manushi started to cry.Mrs.Singh and Mr.Singh were startled to see her crying.When Mr.Singh asked her Why she is crying.

Manushi pointed her finger to Aditya and said "Adi is not crying.It must be painful for him.So instead of him,Iam crying for him"

Aditya wiped Manushi's tears with his sleeves and extended his hand towards her.Manushi looked confused.As if he understood her confusion he asked her "Chocolate"

Manushi remebered the chocolate she used to give him.She quickly took it from her pocket and gave it to him, "Adi this chocolate is my favourite.It tastes so good"

Aditya who doesn't like sweets unwrapped the cover and ate the chocolate and said "It tastes good"

Manushi beamed with happiness "I told you it taste good,do you want some more?"

Aditya wanted to shook his head but he changed it and nodded his head.

Manushi happily gave all her chocolates to Aditya which shocked both Mrs.Singh and Mr.Singh because Manushi never share her chocolates with anyone.Later Manushi started to share her nonsense stories with him.Aditya listen to her nonsense slowly.

Mrs.Singh wanted to adopt Aditya but because of some difficulties she couldn't which made Manushi unhappy.

Manushi patted Aditya's head and said "Adi,don't worry when I grew up very big like mommy.I will adopt you as my son"

Aditya doesn't know whether he should laugh or cry.He just silently nodded his head which made Manushi happy.

Instead of adopting Aditya,Manushi parents made him enroll in the school next to Manushi's elementary school.That made Manushi very happy.Whenever she have a break time she ran to Aditya's class and shout "Adi"

The classmates around him teased him "Aditya, your daughter has come to see you"

One day Manushi heard a girl called Aditya as "Adi".He punched the wall next to him and said in a audible voice for everyone to hear that "Other than Manushi no one is allowed to call him Adi.The name Adi belongs to Manushi"

Manushi was scared that he might hurt his hand and started to cry.Aditya felt sorry for making her cry again, "If you blow in my wound ,it won't hurts"

Manushi blinked her eyes and blew his hand "Is it hurting?"

Aditya shook his head and then opened his palm.Manushi understood and gave him a chocolate.Whenever someone bullied Manushi the first one who stood for always Aditya.

Even after Manushi parents died in an accident Aditya protected her .It was because of him she started to show interest in hacking.He was the one who taught her the tricks.

To Manushi,

Aditya is her friend,brother,mentor.

Anjali cried her heart out in the cubicle.It must have broken his heart when he got to know about Manushi.

Did he believed like everyone that she was the culprit?

Did he believed like everyone that she deserved to be locked in the prison?

Anjali really didn't expect him to see again.As far as she knows Aditya was in overseas with 'him' joined his business but what was he doing in Rathore group.Anjali was thinking that should she inform Aditya that she was Manushi no her soul was replaced in Anjali's body?

Anjali shook her head.

Who will believe this nonsense?

Suddenly someone grabbed Anjali wrist and pulled into the room and pushed her to the wall.Anjali was so shocked to react until she heard the door locked.

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