Chapter 4: Seedling of Chaos

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Not that Elise could get very far with her only remaining mangled arm. Teleporting above her, Scout landed with his left foot on her head. He then reached down and grabbed her right arm. And with a single pull, he ripped off her mangled arm, causing her to scream and writhe on the ground in agony.

Hearing a slight whir, Scout instinctually teleported away. This was the right call as he watched from a tree as a blast of energy flew past where he once stood. Turning his head, he looked at where the blast came from. Dues Venandi, Vermont and North stood on the rubble from the cabin.

Vermont looked from Scout to the wounded Elise and immediately jumped over to her. As he did that, Dues Venandi raised his arm and shot off more energy blast at Scout. This caused Scout to teleport away after a slight laugh. Once he was gone, Dues Venandi and North followed Vermont to Elise and Justice.

The pain was damn near unbearable, yet Elise's exosuit did everything to keep her awake. Losing consciousness now would mean certain death so she was kept awake. Unfortunately for her, even with the exosuit' ability to dampen pain was not enough. Even as Vermont did everything, he could think of to help her.

If only Elise's arms were still nearby, they could be reattached, but Scout knew this. That is why he took her arms with him. Now all her exosuit could do was cover up the wound and lessen the pain until she was administered to a proper medical center. But they were in the middle of the jungle, far away from home. So, such a need would not come nearly fast enough.

"So, he got saved from The Brokers wrath by...who exactly?" Jay said in disbelief while staring out his massive wrap around office window.

"Were still trying to figure that out." Hellman answered. "I assigned Lockley, Vermont and Warden to go track them down. Preacher also reported in that he was going to be in the area soon. So, he was going to assist them in their search. Our remaining forces are also being evacuated from the jungle."

There was a long moment of silence before Jay spoke. "How many did we lose?"

"We lost half of Elite Squad: Chaos Brigade. Captain Abrams, Gargoyle, Aphasia and Karter are confirmed to be KIA. Captain Elise is in critical condition. Captain North, Forger and Agent Justice are heavily wounded." Hellman reported.

Before Hellman could continue Jay interrupted. "Alright, I don't want to hear any more about our losses to that fucking jungle." Putting his hand up to his face he let out a deep sigh. "What about the other fronts? How are they going?"

"About just as bad." Hellman responded truthfully. "Reaper and Arazia's Reapers are currently engaged with Gravedigger in the American MidWest. Krejit is still defending our Mars Facility. Stein is also still in South America combating Cartel forces. So, the only commander in our disposal right now is Pain."

Jay let out another deep sigh. "Alright, get in contact with all of them and tell them that once they're done with their mission they need to get back here. "He began to trail off. "I don't like how brave Mariquel is getting. They haven't dared to attack us for years and now all of a sudden, they go to war with four of the strongest groups in the world."

"Infinium, Exocore, Renegade and Apocalyptic Returning against Mariquel." Hellman thought aloud. "That would be believable if they still held the power, they did during World War Three." He thought for a moment before continuing. "But if their confidence is any indication of their power, this is something we need to deal with before it gets out of hand."

"Exactly" Jay confirmed. "Let me know when all the Commanders are back, I need to have a meeting with all of them." After he finished, Hellman turned around and entered the elevator to his office. Turning back to his window, Jay looked over the bright city of Halaryn. Technological skyscrapers that touched the sky were all he could see other than the blue sky.

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