3: Triple Threat.

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Tw: mentions of abuse, implied as and racism.

We're now in the bathroom fixing ourselves up before our last class.

Me and these two idiots have a lot in common.

For whatever reason people absolutely despise us, even when we're innocent children.

Our families are fucked up and now we're stuck here but at least it's together.

I was born out of an affair, my mother ran away leaving me here, my father likes me in unholy ways because I look like her.

My mother hates me because again I'm the product of an affair.

And my sisters are just a bunch of losers, like Cinderella step sisters.

Angelica's mother was a concubine and was an unplanned pregnancy, making her related to the uncle of the King.

He was strictly against having children with women who weren't his wife yet never took the proper measures to make sure it wouldn't happen.

Ellena and her brother weren't born here, they were originally trafficked by slavers and soon bought by an noble family, obviously like me and Angelica they were mistreated. Ellena told me one time she walked in in Aaron (her bother) trying to bleach his skin to be whiter.

It's amazing how much we suffer yet have to deal with it anyways.

God hates seeing pretty women win I guess.

"Here, you can use my tie" Ellena says pulling out a white tie and handing it to Angelica.

The blonde thanks her and soon we finish up.

"This is going to be a long year" Ellena sighs.

"Yea..." I mutter.

"Hey how about after school, we go walking in the woods?" Angelica asks.

Me and Ellena give her a 'are you crazy' look and she just laughs.


I grip the girls throat in my hand and stare at her blankly.

"W-why-ack!" She chokes on her spit.

"Because it wasn't enough, throwing food on someone is middle school work" I sneer dropping her.

She coughs before looking up at me in fear.

"I don't understand, don't you like Eve?!" She asks.

"Yes as a tool...but I want her and if you can't help me, then I'll find someone who will" I walk away leaving the girl to choke and sob.

I stare out into the school window and see one of my friends playing on the handball court.

'Hmmm...he doesn't like her like the rest of these idiots, so I guess I could use him'


"And that concludes todays lesson, don't forget to practice during this week." Our professor says.

Everyone sighs in relief and starts to pack up.

I look down at my lap and then over to that girl from this morning.

'My name is Naomi Heartheaven'

There's just something about her-

"Hey Scratch!" I feel someone latch onto my arm and I see this white haired chick.

This is Eve, the world prized fairy princess.

She's not actually a fae, she's just so amazing and pretty like one that people refer to her as that.

If you ask me she's just someone's white woman of the week.

"Can you let go?" I ask.

"Oh sorry! So uhh I hear next week we're gonna start getting serious about magic, doesn't that make you excited?" She asks.

"I guess..." I mumble staring at my hand.

"Yo Scratch dude wanna come play ball with us later?" A random classmate asks me.

I shrug and they all walk off.

I walk out the room and Eve follows me, talking my ear off.

I hear a set of voices and see the triple threat walking down the hall.

People make way for them and I can't help but stare.

I heard about what happened a few hours ago and I'm surprised by how they look.

It's way different from this morning.

"Whatcha looking at?" I snap out of it and turn to Eve who's staring at me.

"N-nothing...I have to go back to my dorm"

"Oh okay, see you tomorrow then?" "Sure"

Eve smiles before rushing towards the three, she doesn't pay attention and trips in front of them.

The stare at her in confusion, she gets up and apologizes making everyone start to whisper and point.

What the hell?

"Hey! What the hell are you three doing?!" I hear a voice come up from behind me and I see two guys.

Ones for blonde hair and pale skin, the other dark skin and white hair.

They walk up to Eve and push her behind them.

"Dude we didn't do shit, she literally just fell!" Angelica snarls at them.

"Yea everyone around us saw!" Ellena says but the people around the start glaring and making up lies.

"Yea right, if that were the case they would be agreeing with you, Eve did they push you?" The blonde one asks.

Eve says nothing before nodding her head slowly.

The two turn back to the girls who look absolutely pissed off.

"Stay away from her, I get it you three think you're on top or whatever but you're nothing but a bunch of mistakes! Know your fucking place!" The white haired one says making them flinch a bit.

The walk away with Eve and the hallway clears.

Angelica balls her fists before walking back in the opposite direction with Ellena.

Naomi just stands there staring at the ground before looking at me.

Our eyes meet and she glares at me before following suit.

What the hell is going on...

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