XX. Blood

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    They tell me my Six Eyes see the heavenly truth. That all is revealed before them. That no future, past, or present can be masked or yield to its supremacy. My Six Eyes simply reveal the truth and my mind is left to make the judgement.

    Today, I decided to be unjust. The person who kneels before me, writhing on the ground, is not the calamity that my Six Eyes tell me she is. I will not sentence her to her execution. Not by my hand or by another's. If I am truly the strongest, this is a statement I can assert and enforce. It is not outside my reach of power.

    But my soul burns with her pain. As her body shakes, I feel as though I were a scale, tipping between two sides as frequently as distant beats of thunder, relentless as the pulling tides. I want to save her, to pull her into my arms and take on her burden. Yet I also understand that the longer I wait, the longer I jeopardize my home and my family.

    Still, Six Eyes can only tell me who truly is on the ground beneath me. Sukuna's markings have tainted her skin, leaving trails of swirling darkness. (y/n) gasps, her breaths frantic and chest heaving. The struggle continues for possession of her body, and I can do nothing but wait.

    Fear courses through my veins- it is a looming chill that creeps behind me as an ill-fated omen. And by some cruel misfortune, some mockery of the gods, the markings solidify and her breaths begin to slow.

    For a moment I want to pray. I want to kneel beside her, clasp my hands together and beg the sky for mercy. But gods do not yield to higher beings. I know this as if it were an inscription on my soul. But the words still come out,

    "We were supposed to have more time." (y/n) stops stirring and lies still. Her head is turned away from me, but I can picture her eyes gazing into mine, deep and soulful.

    I continue, "You were supposed to eat all twenty fingers, remember? But you only had three." A bitter taste fills my mouth, crawling up my throat so I add sharply, "We have more time."

    Even I know that was a lie. My hands begin to shake, and I look down at them. Ten fingers, two palms, and yet none of them can do anything when I need them most. I begin to laugh at the absurdity. The world had once called me the strongest, and yet in my moments of need I am weak.

    "We need more time," I say, hoping that if I speak the words into existence some being will take pity and make them true. But they say that the gods do not condone sins, and falsity is a crime not befit of me.

    As though it were a punishment, I see (y/n) begin to move. She places her palms beneath her, pushing herself off the floor. Her knees lengthen, and her spine stands straight. Her composure is rigid, unlike the graceful demeanor she once carried herself in. Her gaze is hard, scanning the area around her as though she were in the midst of a battlefield. Her smile is too wide, a grin that doesn't quite reach her eyes.

    And she laughs a deep, thundering laugh. It's maniacal sound is foreign and hostile. I clench my fist, preparing to attack, but the sound ceases and she says,

    "What is this power? I have not felt this power in years. It's a shame she is a female, but her power is like the nectar of heaven." The tone of her voice is deep and grating. It is curious as to how her presentation remains feminine, along with her voice if Sukuna was once a male.

    (y/n) looks down at her right hand, opening and closing her fingers, "It is a shame, though. Is it not? That you did not realize earlier."

    Fury sweeps through my body like a howling wind, threatening to blow everything into debris and a rocky path. I wish for nothing but to kill his presence and remove him from her body. But there is nothing I can do, and no words escape my lips.

    She heaves a deep sigh and takes a few steps toward me. Leaning in closely, (y/n) whispers,

    "Here's a little hint, I'll spell it out for you if you can't figure it out. I only have three fingers in my body, but I can still control her. The way she took in my fingers was rather smooth wasn't it? What do you think of that?"

    I frown, my memories searching for any clue, any hint that I can think of. But my mind is blocked by the shock of seeing her like this. A faint sense of betrayal still lingers from Geto's appearance. In a hopeless frustration, I clench my teeth and hang my head low. It is a wonder that I can still manage to stand.

    "Gojo Satoru. I hear you are the strongest of the current age. But all you can do is bow before me. That is of no punishment, I understand that my power is superior to your's. Still, I was hoping at the very least you could manage to piece something together. It's not everyday that I get to experience a reunion like this."

    My head snaps up and my eyes meet her's. But Six Eyes prevents me from seeing (y/n), and all I see now are the eyes of Ryomen Sukuna. With this shield as armor, I dispel my hesitation and give myself a false sense of security.

    "Who are you reuniting with?" I ask, but the second I do, I dread the answer.

    Sukuna grins, "Family, of course. The (l/n) family, the clan that she is from? Well. (y/n) is my descendant."

Author's note: We finally got to this plot point! I hope you enjoyed the story so far! It is a goal of mine to finish it before the end of this year, so hopefully I get there. Please be sure to vote and comment if you liked it or if you have any suggestions. Thank you so much for your support, I love seeing people interact with this story. See you soon!

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