V. Together

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POV: (Y/N)

    "Hmm.. She hasn't woken up yet. If she's actually dead, can I take her apart freely?" A female voice, deep and steady asks above me. I hear the stretch of latex, and some rustling around me. Beneath my hands, the cool feel of metal chills my skin. I vaguely discern my position on an examination table.

    I barely open my eyes, so that my vision is limited between the flutters of my lashes. Fluorescent lights shine above me, hanging from a tiled roof. The faint smell of alcohol sterilizes the air, and I can faintly make out two figures in the room alongside me. The first, a girl about my age, with dark hair that brushes past her shoulders. She is speaking softly to a broad shouldered man, whose beard and facial hair frames his moving mouth as he whispers.

    My waist and legs are wrapped with a thin, coarse fabric. A blue hospital gown, the shade of the sky the time I-

    Blurring images flash rapidly in my mind, piecing together what had happened. A fight, one between me and Gojo. Then, if I am here, having clearly gained measurable wounds, then did that mean I had lost?

    Failure is not an option. I know that, I am aware of the consequences of his victory. I felt fainter than before, I felt the blood rushing from my face. When I can no longer hear the faint whispers of conversation, I close my eyes. Clicking heels stride across the floor, and I detect an energy that envelops my body.

    Reverse curse manipulation. While jujutsu sorcery is a technique very few can use, reverse curse manipulators are fewer; rarer than that are those who can perform this technique on others. I, myself, am able to achieve it's effect, though I am by no means familiar with it; having only successfully healed myself twice. It is a technique in which cursed energy is reversed to positive energy.

    "You're awake," the girl states, but her tone is makes it difficult to gauge if it is a greeting or merely a statement.

    My eyes meet hers, a warm brown that breathes life into the rest of her face. She has a sharp chin, a jawline of ragged lines, and her skin is as pale as the corpses she pulls apart. Shoko Ieri, perhaps the only person in Jujutsu High that has the capability to perform reverse curse manipulation on others.

    "Is Gojo Satoru dead?" I ask, my voice much coarser than I realized. Behind Shoko, the masculine figure rises from his seat and makes his way towards me. His cursed energy is suppressed within the room, and not at all faint. He would make a formidable opponent if I had to escape.

    The man muses, "You didn't ask where you are, or who the people around you are. The (l/n) family have only grown sharper than their previous generations, haven't they?" His question recognized the extent of my knowledge of Jujutsu Tech. My jaw clenches in annoyance, and I cannot help but blame my wavering consciousness on my lack of logic.

    "My apologies, Yaga Masachimi. I'm (y/n) (l/n), pleased to be your prisoner," because I have already revealed some of my knowledge, then this is the only path I see to take- intimidation. But this depends on my family's actions, and whether they deem me of enough importance to retrieve.

    Shoko reveals a faint smile, but remains silent. Yaga replies, "You are no prisoner, (y/n). But you are not one of us either. Any other jujutsu sorcerer would not have been as rash as you to consume a special grade cursed object." Yaga pauses and adds, "Maybe the (l/n) family have not grown as sharp as I thought."

    I sigh, not wishing to hear about the unconventional methods of my outcasted family. Beside me, Shoko says,

    "Your blood test results are unusually normal. There's not a single sign of malformations, even though you came into contact with Sukuna's finger. This kind of compatibility only comes once in a thousand- maybe more- years." Her fingers glide over the keys of a keyboard, and she twists the head of the screen in view. It is full of information taken from my blood, saliva, and even bits of my flesh; all of which reveal the uncanny ordinary state of my being.

    Yaga steps closer, his arm motioning towards the screen, "This compatibility is what we need. It is our chance to remove of Sukuna's fingers. If you are able to consume all twenty fingers without side effects, we will be able to execute and banish Sukuna from existence."

    I'm not unfazed with his idea of my execution. In fact, I would be following his exact actions if our places were switched. My only thoughts were on escape, and to share my gained information back to my family. But to do that, I would require time, time which can only be gained through my acceptance of their proposal as we hunt the twenty fingers.

    So I have no choice but to accept. I nod, and Yaga's eyes stare down into mine, as though he is searching for a trace of opposition or malicious intent. Shoko turns from the computer and says,

    "You almost forgot to tell her about her partner." Her voice is unusually high, her lips twisted as though she is trying to hide a smile. Her expression leads me to wonder what type of punishment was in line for my earlier escape.

    Yaga sighs, turning around and making his way to the exit of the room. Shoko follows a step behind him, and glances over her shoulder one last time before exiting. Standing underneath the doorframe, Yaga explains,

    "Here at Jujutsu High, we work in teams. Partners, for you, because of our small number of students. But since your cursed energy is relatively high, we needed someone who could match your energy, or surpass it if possible."

    I close my eyes, taking deep breaths as I pray that his name is not spoken. Yaga continues,

    "Starting from today on, you will be working with Gojo Satoru."

Author's note: Please remember to vote and comment if you liked the chapter! See you again soon :)

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