XI. Harmony

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POV:  (Y/N)

Night had fallen long before my feet had ever touched the cool grass beneath my window. The song of crickets and the laughter of the stars put my breathing at ease, and my vision is sharpened by the way the crisp wind surged through me. I release the navy fabric that clung to my shoulders and frown as I see the Jujutsu Tech uniform land by the corner of my desk, one that has likely collecting dust for the past few days. I'm not sure if there were any laundromats nearby.

I feel the heels of my shoes dig into soft soil, and carefully clasp the handle of my window before pulling it down slightly. The slight squeaking of the glass comes to a halt, and I leave just an inch open for my return, and hopefully for some air circulation in my room.

The moon has risen to its peak, with pools of light gliding onto my skin. It is strangely bright, almost unnervingly so, as though somebody were watching me from afar and needed to see. But the forest is still blanketed by a layer of shadow, one that never seems to disappear, even during the brightest of days. It is most likely there where I would find it, the curse that had been plaguing my sleep.

Only a few hours prior, I had laid in my bed, my blanket tossed aside and my body burning with a feverish heat. I could sense a curse, just within the proximity of the school, but I knew that one of this caliber, that could release such a saturated level of cursed energy, must be doing so on purpose.

I knew it was a trap, but my only option was to go now, when I could minimize the damage it will inevitably do. I purse my lips for a moment, wondering if I should've requested assistance. Yaga would perhaps believe me, but I find his stern demeanor difficult to decipher. He is both warm and cold, and his trust is something that I must learn to treasure if I wanted to find my way back home. Shoko, on the other hand, was friendly enough. Her usage of Reverse Cursed Technique would be no doubt useful enough, but I didn't need a non-combative sorcerer nearby.

The other students I have only seen briefly around. Mei Mei, even more difficult to gauge than Yaga was mysterious and quiet. She hardly ever spoke to me, and when she did, she maintained a mask of calm and a thin smile pressed onto her lips. Utahime Iori was quick to pin suspicion onto me, and is swift to stay away. Kento Nanami was always seen indifferent to my presence, if I was ever there at all. Although he was only a year younger, the structure of Jujutsu Tech kept the limited amount of students on missions whenever possible, barely leaving any time for the students to interact.

I don't have a preference on whether or not I could interact with them. I still doubt that they trust me at all, a belief that I myself would stand for adamantly if I were in their position. The only downside of my limited time with them, isn't the little information that I can obtain through observation.  I had already conducted my own investigations and studying, prior to becoming their vessel. The (l/n) clan has maintained that any and all information about all Jujutsu sorcerers should be studied, and to that, I agree.

No, the downside was that I could only interact with one sorcerer and him only. Gojo Satoru. I've found that my ironic compatibility and incompatibility with him should be something that I simply disregard. If I couldn't understand it, there was no point in losing sight of my goals. And yet, as I walk through the towering woods, I wonder briefly if I should've considered asking him to help me.

But a quickly sliver of cursed energy slips through the shadows, and my reminiscing thoughts vanish. I follow the slight trail, one that is rapidly disappearing, even as I run in pursuit of the curse. It takes me to an enclosing, at the heart of the woods, where the trees branch around a small pond and the creatures have gone silent.

The moon shines directly over the water, illuminating the curse wholly. It's body, rippled with tight veins and coursing muscles, likely stands at about eight feet tall. It's bright blue eyes stare at me with a chilling intensity, and it slowly flexes its three arms.

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