Taking a deep breath, I tried to remember the gestures she had made. It was a challenging task, considering I had no knowledge of sign language. But I couldn't afford to give up. Every second counted in this dangerous situation.

I recalled the series of movements she had made, her hands forming shapes and pointing in specific directions. It had been a frantic attempt to convey something crucial. I decided to mimic those movements as best as I could, hoping that whatever message she had tried to convey would become clear to me.

As I repeated her gestures, I couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency. I knew that time was running out, that my captors might return at any moment. But I pressed on, determined to decipher Maya's message and find a way out of this horrifying ordeal.

I huddled back into my hiding spot, heart pounding as their argument continued. It seemed that Jeff was adamant about not having maya in his basement, which was a tiny glimmer of hope in this nightmarish situation.

As Ben descended back into the cellar, my fear intensified. I couldn't shake the terror of being alone with him, knowing what he had done to Maya. I watched as he approached me, his whispered words sending shivers down my spine.

His sinister chuckle echoed in the cold, damp space, and I felt a growing sense of dread. He pulled the blanket away from my head, revealing my tear-stained face. His fake smile did nothing to ease my anxiety.

"Y/n, come on," he said softly, wiping my cheeks with a hand that felt anything but comforting. His words about doing all of this for me sent a chill through me. "i'll come get you soon i just need to take care of this then i'll be call yours," I didn't want any of this; I never asked for his twisted affections.

I had to find a way out, a way to escape this madness. But for now, I had to play along, to bide my time until an opportunity presented itself. My survival depended on it.

As Ben ascended the stairs, dragging Maya's limp and bloodied body with each agonizing thud against the steps, I shuddered in horror. The cellar was now eerily silent, save for the dreadful sound echoing from above. It was a gruesome trail of evidence, the dark path he left behind, each drop of blood marking the relentless cruelty inflicted upon Maya.

With Ben's departure, I knew that keeping my presence concealed was paramount. The last thing I wanted was to draw the attention of Jeff. Ben hadn't mentioned my existence to him, likely understanding the dire consequences that would await me if Jeff were aware.

Huddled under the blanket, I focused on controlling my trembling body, suppressing the urge to sob or scream. I waited in agonizing silence, praying that someone would somehow find a way to end this nightmare.

The minutes dragged on as I tried to drown out the unsettling sounds from above. It seemed like an eternity since the cellar door had slammed shut, sealing me off from whatever was happening beyond those walls. The muffled voices above me were a constant reminder of the sinister presence that had now become a part of my nightmarish existence.

I huddled in my makeshift bed, clinging to the position that had offered me some semblance of comfort. I didn't want any more encounters with those two individuals, especially the menacing Jeff. Their very names sent shivers down my spine, and I yearned to forget they existed.

Sally, on the other hand, was a different story. She had provided me with a rare sense of safety in this otherwise terrifying environment. I couldn't help but wonder if everyone else here was like Jeff, and that made me question the true nature of Ben. His unwavering demeanor during Jeff's sadistic act and his ability to handle Maya's lifeless body with such ease made me suspect that he might be complicit in all of this.

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