You Abandoned Me

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With the shocking reveal of seeing Toga, Deku just looked at her and completely ignored everything around him. But he gets a faint voice begin reaching him, until eventually he heard it loud and clear.



Hearing Uraraka yell that out, Deku swiftly looked over to his right.


"You need to get out of here now! Facing Shigaraki is your main priority! Me and Tsu will handle things here! Now go!"

With Uraraka saying all this, Deku knew what his priority was and that was to stop Shigaraki. But right now he had another priority to take care of. Suddenly danger sense kicked in, warning Deku about an incoming projectile. Looking back at Toga, he sees a knife flying towards him. So he quickly moved his head to the right making it fly past him. After doing so he unraveled the tube from his arm and picked himself up where he then looked over Toga who had her eyes set only on him.


"Sorry Izuku, but you're not going anywhere."

Toga says this as she retracts her syringe and pulls out another knife from the holster that is wrapped around her right thigh. Looking directly at Deku, Toga suddenly sees Uraraka and Tsuyu get in front of him.


"Deku go!"

Looking at those two are in her way, Toga glared at them with a menacing look.


"You two really think you could stop me!"


"You bet we can! Now let's go, Tsu!"



With Uraraka and Tsuyu heading straight towards Toga. She suddenly raised up her right arm and pointed her knife at the two.



Saying this, the Nomu around the area begin charging towards Uraraka and Tsuyu. With them seeing this they both stopped running. Doing so, Uraraka then slammed her hands onto the ground, where she then used her quirk to rip a chunk out of the ground. From her doing this, Tsuyu used her tongue to wrap around the chunk of the ground, which she then began to swing in the air until eventually throwing it towards the charging Nomu. As the chunk of the ground flew towards them, Uraraka quickly placed her fingers together making making the gravity around the chunk disappears as it then hit the Nomus. Seeing the chunk crash into the Nomus, Uraraka and Tsuyu were pleased to know that they have taken some of them. But as they looked at the pile of Nomu they then saw Toga who jumped from the top of the pile and went over Uraraka and Tsuyu's heads, where she then landed right in front of Deku. Seeing this happen the girls were going to run back to Deku so they could help him. But before they could, they were then blocked off by the other Nomus who managed to dodge the chunk that flew towards them. With Uraraka and Tsuyu now occupied with the Nomu, Toga was finally face to face with Deku, who she still looked at with a cold glare.


"Now it's just you and me, Izuku. "

While looking at Toga, Deku unclenched his fist and looked at it with a serious expression.


"I'm not going to fight you, Toga."


"Then you should have left when you had the chance."

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