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With the sounds of constant beeping getting louder and louder, Deku soon opened his eyes and saw a white ceiling. Suddenly Deku heard a familiar voice clear as day.

~All Might~

"Midoriya! You're awake."

From hearing All Might's voice, Deku turns his head over to the left and sees All Might who has leaped up from his chair to go over to Deku's bedside. Looking at All Might, Deku was completely confused on what was happening.


"Al-All Might?"

~All Might~

"Yes it's me. I am so glad that you are awake."


"Wh-where am I? What happened to me?"

~All Might~

"I had a feeling that you wouldn't remember due to all the blood you lost. For starters, you're in the hospital. I brought you here after you said that you were really hurt."

Hearing that last part, Deku doesn't recall telling All Might that.


"I said that?"

~All Might~

"Yes you did. I tracked your earpiece and found you in an abandoned warehouse surrounded by unconscious villains. You were laying on the ground in a pool of your own blood with multiple spikes sticking out of your back. Seeing you in that state I immediately picked you up and put you in the backseat of my car. Afterwards I began taking you to the hospital while contacting Endeavor and Hawks about the villains you took care of."


"I see now."

From being told all of this, Deku begins to recall everything that happened back at that warehouse. Doing so he remembers looking at Toga after closing his eyes and blacking out.


"By any chance, was there anyone else there?"

~All Might~

"Not that I'm aware of, was there someone there with you?"


"N-no not at all."

With that said, Deku was with certain that Toga must have used her quirk to transform into him and contact All Might for help. After doing so she must have left after contacting All Might. From figuring this out, Deku begin wondering where Toga was.

~All Might~


Hearing his last name being said, Deku looks over at All Might who has a concerned look on his face.


"Huh yes, All Might?"

~All Might~

"Why don't you come back to UA with me?"

With All Might saying this, Deku looks away from him and makes a serious face.


"I can't. Not yet anyways."

~All Might~

"Midoriya please. Seeing you injured that way made me terrified. It made me think on what if I didn't make it on time? So please considerate coming back. Think about the people who are worried for you."


"I do think about those people, and I know that I should be the one to protect them. That's why I can't go back, not until I stop Shigaraki and All For One."

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