Would You Kill Me

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After the battle against Lady Nagant, Deku was on a rooftop with Toga who is tending to his injury he received from of Lady Nagant's bullet. But while tending to the wound on the side of his body, Toga was thinking about that whole battle between Deku and Lady Nagant had and how it ended. While thinking about it, Toga glanced up at Deku and saw that he was trying to bear through the pain he was going through at the moment. Even though Toga likes seeing Deku going through a bit of pain, she decided to try to get his mind off the pain by asking him questions she's been wanting to ask him after his fight.


"Hey Izuku."


"Uh, yeah Toga?"


"Why did you save him? That Overhaul guy, why save him?"


"Well because it was the right thing to do."


"But why? I know I shouldn't be saying this due to what I've done. But he hurt so many people and even tortured a little girl."


"Yeah I know, what he did was completely unforgivable."


"Then why didn't you just let him get killed?"

Hearing Toga say this, Deku glanced over at her and knew that she wanted to hear a clear and honest answer from him.


"Because I wouldn't be able to call myself a hero if I just let that happen."

With his answer being said, Toga stop granting up at him and turned her attention back to his injury.


"I see. So what about that other lady? You weren't able to save her."


"Actually, I was able to save her."


"How? Didn't she explode?"


"Yes she did. But I saved her from herself and made her believe that there are still true heroes out there."


"A true hero?"

Saying that to herself she shortly glances up at Deku and look him for a while until turning her attention back to his wound which she soon patched up.


"All right, I'm done."

Hearing Toga say that, Deku looks down at the left side of his body and saw the bandages. Afterwards he looked over at Toga while putting on the left part of his suit.


"Thank you again perhaps me up. Toga."


"Don't mention it."

From Toga saying that, Deku notices that her bangs of her hair are covering her eyes once again. Seeing that, he looks away from her as he then begins to zip up his suit. Afterwards he got up from the ground and began walking over to the ledge. But as he did this, Toga too got up from the grounds and looked over at him while having her head slightly tilted down. Looking at Deku, Toga knew this will be the right opportunity to ask him the question, she asked Uraraka. So a knife slid out of her right sleeve and into her hand which she gripped tightly. With a knife now in Toga's hand, she forced a smile on her face a has she then began charging straight towards Deku. But while running at him from behind, Deku's dangerou sense soon kicked in and wanted of an attack coming from behind. From this warning, Deku quickly turned around and saw Toga lunging a knife straight towards him. Seeing it coming, Deku quickly Dodge it by moving his body to the side. From dodging, Toga misses her attack but quickly swings her knife towards the direction Deku turned towards. With her doing this, Deku was able to dodge her knife again as he pulled his head back. You're welcome pulling his head back he looked at Toga and saw her smile. But while getting a glance of it he noticed that it wasn't her usual smile. After dodging her knife again, Deku jumped back and got some distance away from Toga who then turned toward the direction he jumped back to.

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