1. Beginning

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All of Emma's hopes were dashed when a new girl, Allison Argent, entered the classroom at the beginning of the school year. 

Emma could tell by Scott's look and behavior that he was smitten with the new girl. Although the word "smitten" did not convey what she saw. It was as if Scott had fallen in love with Allison at first sight. 

Emma couldn't understand how such a situation was possible, because she was around Scott all the time, always helping him, knowing his greatest fears and weaknesses, and all the time she had the impression that Scott only saw her as a good friend. 

Although Emma really wanted to change that and be more for Scott, she was not going to change the whole world and herself just to get what she wanted. 

She would always be there for Scott and would never leave him with the hope that he would see her one day. 

But this is a non-starter. It all started when Emma and her two friends, Scott McCall and Stiles Stilinski, went into the woods at night looking for a body. Half a body, to be exact. 

Stiles, as usual, was eavesdropping on the conversations of his father, the sheriff of Beacon Hills. As soon as he heard about the search for the half-body, he jumped in his jeep and drove to pick up Scott and Emma. 

Instead of finding the body, the three friends ran into something else. Emma and Stiles fell into the hands of the sheriff and were escorted to the car. 

Scott was left alone in the woods, trying to find his way home. He lost his inhaler and encountered a large wolf, which bit him and ran off. 

Scott fought his way home, tended to his wound and went to bed. He didn't realize that his friend Emma had already called and written him a thousand times. She was very worried about him and felt terribly guilty about leaving him alone in the woods. 

Emma was home alone as usual. She was used to the situation. 

Her mother was dead, having died of breast cancer when Emma was about fourteen. Her mother had fought the disease for a long time - a full six years. Emma always hoped that her mother would beat the disease, but unfortunately that didn't happen. After her mother Gloria died, her father Antonio could not be with his daughter all the time. 

He didn't blame her for his wife's death, but his daughter was so much like her mother that it triggered all the painful memories in Antonio and he cried out to escape into work. 

He often traveled abroad, was home only a few days a month, and even then he avoided contact with his daughter, limiting himself to the bare necessities of raising her. 

The Russo family never complained about lack of money, so Antonio transferred large sums of money to his daughter's account, hoping that this would make up for his constant absence. 

Emma was always on her own, and when she was forcibly thrust into the supernatural world, there were only three people she could count on - two of her friends and a burly guy who lived in the woods. But a handsome one. One too mysterious to know anything. Another too in love to care about anything else. And the third, hyperactive. 

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