She couldn't look away. She remembered what her english teacher once said to her. "If pigs ever found out that there was food under each others skin, they absolutely would devour each-other." This was the same teacher that told her about the scene in "The Wizard of Oz." Her teacher was a freak.

Staring at the pile of flesh, guts, blood, and half alive pigs. Chloe couldn't help but remember what it was like to each another person, of course she was most respectful than those disgusting animals but still. The organs were all the same, she remembered the feeling of ripping the intestines out of her mother, and seeing up close where she turned into a being. She never would have thought she'd see her first home, the womb, let alone eat it. It didn't taste very good but the last thing she was going to do was die.

The pigs limped, still walking around, chomping on each others bones, while tripping over their own intestines. It was disgusting, the organs on the ground had turned brown from the grainy dirt beneath them, and it just dragged.

Chloe started to hyperventilate bending over. She held her stomach like she was going to puke, but she could only gag, she never could puke and she didn't know why, she just couldn't.

She thought for a moment. About what to do with the pigs, but there was nothing she could do, it all had the same outcome. So, she bolted.

Chloe ran for a while, around the back of the museum and to the small pond inside The Hut. She put her hands on her knees to breathe, but immediately looked up when she noticed some laughing.

"Tired?" A woman's voice said, mockingly.

Three women stood in front of her, one, dressed in funky colorful clothing, and had very bad makeup on. The second one looked pretty normal, a little raggedy but that was to be expected. And the final girl stood out a lot more, this was because she was extremely fat, almost grotesque.

Chloe stood up straight. And looked towards the fat one. "I wouldn't be making fun of me for being tired, I doubt you can run 10 feet."

This made the woman's blood boil but the one with the funky makeup held her back, and started to speak. "Hey! I heard your new around here, I'm Quianna." She pointed to herself. "And that's Audrie." She moved her finger to face the normal looking girl. "And that's Zaria, sorry about her." She finally pointed at the fat girl.

Zaria got very mad, very fast. "Sorry about me!? She's the one pointing out my insecurities. See Lucas was right about what he told you Q."

Chloe realized the situation. "Quianna. You and Ducas are friends?"

Quianna looked down and blushed a bit before replying. "Oh yeah, he's super cool, Trinity is so lucky to have him."

Chloe thought this reply was a little weird and started to stare her in the eyes, trying to read her emotions.

During all of this, Audrie seemed to stand a little behind Quianna. She looked scared, Chloe understood that whatever Lucas told everyone had to be exaggerated.

Zaria scowled and stomped over to behind the musuem, Chloe laughed to herself, comparing the stomps to an earth quake. Everyone stared in shock as she started to pound aggressively on the back window.

"Hey Max! Open up! We've got something for you!" Zaria bellowed through the glass, almost pressing her face on it.

There was a moment, then the window opened. Max climbed out it, like it was some normal activity to do that.

He hopped to the ground and glanced around, analyzing the situation. "Oh, Chloe! Someone got sick of her work. Shame, I was glad to see you improving." Max brushed himself off.

Chloe rolled her eyes.

Suddenly a familiar face came running up from behind, max swung around to face the person.

It was Isaac, he looked Chloe up and down, then to max, before speaking. "You should come with me. Chloe too." He looked traumatized, scared.

Chloe thought for a moment about what it could be, then she remembered, the pigs.

"Okay listen here, everyone. Stop bothering me, I have council for a reason. I see you girls wanted me because of Chloe, I get that and I'll handle it. Now, Isaac. What the hell do you want?"

Isaac gulped, and stuttered on his words. "I feel like it would be better if you just were to see yourself." He looked down at the ground, knowing max would be mad about this.

Max threw his hands up. "Fucking take us there then."

As Issac walked them over to the pig pen, Chloe felt a wave of anxiety wash over her. As they walked, max placed his hand on her back, this was of course to her displeasure, but for reasons, she let him do it.

Isaac guided them to face the pile of mess Chloe left earlier. Max looked down at it, and took a step forward. He stuffed his hands in his pocket and but his lip. "Wowza."

Chloe scratched her head. "I swear it wasn't on purpose, one of them bit the other and then they realized they were all food and then they all.... Um ate each other."

Max took a step back and placed his finger over her lips. "Sh Sh Sh. Is that why they are covered in slop?"

Isaac tilted his head, watching Max's calm behavior, it was almost eerie.

At this point I had noticed the crowd around the pig pen, I had nothing better to do so I ran over. When I noticed the pile of blood and guts, It took me back to Chloe's apartment, I had imagined she had the same thoughts. Like before, I grabbed my stomach and barfed all over the dirt.

Everyone turned to look at me as I wiped my face. "You know it's gross, so none of you smell that?" I argued.

Max shook his head at me in disappointment. He looked back to Chloe. "Hey, I would banish you. But, I like you Chloe, you've got guts." Max chuckled. "Speaking of guts, Chloe, Isaac, and uhhh... actually Trinity you can go, puking won't make this cleaning go any faster. Ok! Chloe and Isaac, cleaning time." He clapped his hands together and walked over to the shed, grabbing two pairs of gloves and two big totes. "Guts and body's." He pointed at the totes, after dropping them on the ground. "In here."

"Well, get to it!" Max said before walking away towards his house, without another word.

I decided to get away from this mess before Max changed his mind.

Chloe handed over the other pair of gloves to Isaac and they both stepped over the fence. Chloe looked up at him as they hauled the totes over. " I hope you don't have a weak stomach." She smiled.

Isaac didn't laugh. They both started the mess into the totes, with few words. "This was our winter food." Issac said.

Chloe dropped a pig body into the bucket with a large groan on the release. "You don't really care about all this right? It's so stupid, a government in the apocalypse. I used to watch bunches of zombie tv shows before all this and that all looked fun. This is shit."

He looked at her and replied, still shoveling organs into the totes. "About the council? No I don't care. About food for the winter? Yes I care, and I know you did this."

Chloe rolled her eyes. "You don't ever think of robbing a food bank?" She was baffled by this places stupidity.

Isaac shrugged. "It's the councils decision."

She furrowed her eyebrows. "So bring it up!"

He looked at her with intent. "...Nah. How about you get on council and do it yourself!?

Chloe was so done with him, it was like talking to a wall, a really stubborn idiotic wall, she started to wonder how he even got on council, I thought this often too. "And how do I go about that."

Isaac stood in straighter and looked her in the eyes. Chloe was taken back and weirded out by this. "One of the council members has to die."

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