chapter 22:The Bratty behavior

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Liliane's pov:

Being with Tina was always the best part. Her palace was like a magical castle, and Tina was my special friend, making everything feel wonderful.I liked it when Tina brushed my hair. It felt like a soft cloud touching my head. I wriggled a bit in her arms after Adam had left cz I looked around the room and saw the people in there. They were all looking at me, and I felt a little bit embarrassed;But I remembered Tina is here with me ;i nestled my head on her shoulder and hugged her tightly. hiding from the curious watching gazes.

she carefully settled into a chair, making sure i  was comfortable in her lap. i continued to nuzzle and explore,As I nuzzled against Tina's neck, I noticed something shiny and sparkly on her head. It was a crown, and it looked so pretty! I couldn't resist the urge to touch it. With my little fingers, I reached up and tried to reach the crown. It was so high up, but I was determined to see it up close.

Tina must have sensed my curiosity because she gently lowered her head, letting me touch the crown. It was even more beautiful up close. The shiny gems and intricate designs made me feel like I was in a fairy tale. I couldn't help but smile as I ran my fingers over the cool metal and sparkling gems.

"It's pretty, isn't it?" Tina whispered softly, her voice filled with warmth and love. I nodded, my eyes wide with wonder.

Then, Tina went back to talking to the other people, and I watched them. They talked about things like borders and alliances and stuff I didn't understand. But Tina was really smart, and she was good at being with me more, though. That's when she was the best.

In my childlike curiosity, as I touched Tina's shiny crown, I decided that I wanted to try it on myself. I couldn't resist the urge to see how it felt on my head. With determined little hands, I began tugging at Tina's hair gently, trying to get her attention. She smiled down at me and opened my tiny fist, but I wasn't ready to give up just yet. I tucked my fingers in again, this time tugging a little harder,

Tina, always patient and understanding, looked down at me and asked, "What do you need, little one?" I stared up at her with determination in my eyes and said, "Cooown." I wanted to  wear the shiny crown on my head. 

But Tina, being the wise and caring friend that she was, gently explained, "I can't give you this one, sweetheart. It's very special and belongs to me. But I promise, I can have a special one made just for you."

I didn't like that idea at all. I wanted this crown, the one that sparkled and shone so beautifully. So, with a determined pout on my face, I insisted, "Nooooo."

Tina chuckled softly, amused by my persistence. She tried to reason with me, saying, "I know you love this crown, but it's too big for you, and it's very precious. We can make a special one that's just your size and has your favorite sparkles."

But I was having none of it. In my little voice, I kept insisting, "No, cooown,"

Athena's patience began to wear thin. She looked at me with a slightly stern expression and said, "Behave, baby, and stop being bratty now."

But her words only seemed to make me even more upset. Frustration welled up inside me, and I couldn't contain it any longer. I kicked my little legs, squirmed in her lap, and with a pout on my face, I defiantly declared, "No behaveee, me want cown!"

It was clear that I was not ready to give up the idea of wearing that shiny crown, no matter how much Tina tried to reason with me. My determination was as strong as ever, and I was willing to make it known, even if it meant a little tantrum.

As I continued to kick my legs and insist on wearing Tina's crown, she realized that my determination wasn't waning. In an attempt to divert my attention , Tina gently squeezed my little bumbum and said, "You're getting yourself in trouble, love. Stop it."

But my determination was unwavering, and I wasn't ready to give up just yet. I even reached out and grabbed a handful of her hair until she turned her attention to the people in the room. Tina's patience was wearing thin, and she addressed them firmly, "Dismissed. We'll talk later."

The people in the room, understanding the gravity of Tina's words, quickly bowed and left. I couldn't help but smile, thinking that now, with everyone gone, Tina would surely let me wear the crown. But to my surprise, Tina's expression remained stern, and I realized I was in quite a bit of trouble. 

Feeling a bit unsure and intimidated by Tina's stern demeanor, I watched as she placed me on the table. She took her crown off and carefully set it on the table beside me. Her gaze remained fixed on me, and I could sense the seriousness in her eyes.

I didn't dare to reach for the crown, even though it was right there beside me. Tina's expression had changed, and I had never seen her this upset before. I knew I had crossed a line.

With a sigh, Tina finally spoke, her tone firm and questioning, "What was that? Where did this brat come from?" Her words were filled with a mix of frustration

I lowered my gaze, suddenly feeling small and regretful. I knew I had acted out of stubbornness and impatience,

Tina's voice softened as she spoke, her disappointment evident in her words. She said, "Do you know, if you waited just a little bit more, you would have gotten it? But you decided to be bratty. And do you know what a brat gets?"

Tina's tone softened, and she continued, "I was trying to be patient with you since you're new to this, baby. Since this is your first time, I'll let it slide. But I think it's time I show you the rules, and then you can decide if you want me to be your caregiver and mama, or no."

i love you guys ;enjoooy

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