chapter 19:The grandparents

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Athena's pov:

As I observed mom and dad interacting with Liliane, a mixture of emotions swirled within me. They treated her with such love and care, as if she were already their grandchild. It filled my heart with warmth but also left a pang of sadness deep within.

What if, after all, Liliane met someone else here, someone who could offer her more? What if she refused to become my little? These thoughts haunted me, and I couldn't help but feel a growing sense of insecurity and fear deep down.

Just as I wrestled with these anxieties, I heard Luciana's voice, her presence a stark contrast to the warmth I had been feeling. She spoke to me in her usual possessive and protective tone, "Athena, our little angel belongs with us. No one can care for her as we can. She's ours, and we'll take care of her, no matter what."

I clenched the fork in my hand, my knuckles turning white, as I could feel the telltale signs of my fangs starting to emerge. Luciana's possessiveness stirred , and I could feel her influence growing stronger.

I replied back , my voice laced with desperation, "I know, Luciana, but what if she doesn't want us? What if she finds someone better?"

Luciana's response was swift and uncompromising, "She's our little  princess, Athena. She's here with us now  and we will make sure she understands that we'll give her the best in the world . We won't let anyone take her away from us."

I took a deep breath, trying to regain control over my emotions and the vampire instincts that threatened to surface. I couldn't let fear and insecurity dictate my actions. Liliane was here now, and I had to find the courage to ask her to be my little before it becomes too late.

I couldn't resist the infectious sound of Liliane's giggles that pulled me of my deep thoughts . She was still safely nestled in my mom's embrace, but my dad, was playfully tickling her. Hearing her sweet laughter, I rose from my seat and made my way over to their side.

Liliane, her face flushed with joy, reached out for me, calling, "Tina, hep, hep! No tickles!"

I couldn't help but smile at her adorable plea. Without a second thought, I scooped her up into my arms, ensuring that the tickling had come to an end. I looked at my parents, , playfully admonishing them, "Alright, you two, don't  torture  my little babe."

My mom,  couldn't resist playfully pouting and adding, "But Athena, she's my little princess too, you know. And I'm quite sure she enjoys Nonna's hugs as well."I chuckled at my mom's remark

 my Dad,, chimed in with a warm smile hugging my mom to his side , "Your mom is right, . We couldn't resist playing with  our little angel here. She's quite the charmer."

I turned to Liliane, making sure my parents could hear, and whispered softly, "Do you really like Nono and Nona more than Tina?"

Liliane looked at me with her innocent eyes, her tiny fingers playing with the collar of my shirt. She spoke in her adorable baby-like voice, "No, Tinaaa , I like you and Nono and Nona and Emma and Pauly and all the pwetty flowers." Her sweet response filled my heart with warmth, and I couldn't help but smile at her.

she then looked back at my parents and whispered " but i like chu mowe"

I chuckled softly at Liliane's whispered confession, understanding the bond that was already forming between us. With a gentle kiss on her forehead, I whispered back, "I like you the most too, my little angel"

My parents, with their keen vampire senses, had overheard Liliane's sweet admission. They chuckled at her words, and my dad,, playfully said , "Alright, it looks like we'll have to work even harder to win the little princess over."

My mom, added with a warm smile, "But I'm sure we'll all get along just fine, won't we, Liliane?"

Liliane, still in my arms, gave a shy nod and a tiny smile, her trust in this new family growing with each passing moment.

Liliane nodded and softly replied, "Yeth, Nono an Nona."

Pauly, who had been watching the exchange with wide eyes, couldn't resist chiming in. With his innocent voice, he added, "Yay, moww famiii(family)!" His enthusiasm brought a chorus of laughter from all of us,

As our delightful family dinner came to an end, I gently announced, "Alright, everyone, it's time for a little nap." The prospect of a cozy nap seemed to excite Liliane, and she squirmed in my arms with anticipation ;Emma lifted pauly and headed towards their bedroom  i followed going towards lulu's chambers

 As i tried to place Liliane in her crib ,  she was not quite ready to part from my embrace, squirmed and whined, making it clear that she didn't want to be placed in her crib just yet. Her little hands clung to my shirt, and she gazed up at me with those big, expressive eyes.

Liliane, with her eyes still half-closed, protested with a soft whimper, "Nooo, no cwib, Tina..."

I whispered tenderly, my voice filled with reassurance, "Shh, it's okay, my little angel. We don't have to go in the crib if you don't want to."

I sighed softly, understanding her reluctance to nap alone. Instead of insisting, I settled into the comfortable rocking chair nearby, cradling her in my arms. As I gently rocked back and forth, I began to hum a soothing lullaby, my fingers playing with the soft strands of her hair.

I continued to gently rock her in my arms, humming the lullaby, and stroking her hair. Liliane's resistance gradually gave way to the soothing rhythm of the rocking chair and my calming presence. She let out a contented sigh,

 her grip on my shirt finally loosening.

In the hushed serenity of the room, Liliane began to relax, her eyelids fluttering as sleep beckoned. I softly whispered, "That's it, my sweet girl. Just rest in mama's arms."

With a sense of peace enveloping us, I held Liliane close, cherishing these precious moments of closeness and comfort as she succumbed to the gentle embrace of sleep.

 I heard the soft clicking of the door being opened. I turned my head to see my parents, entering the room. Their eyes were filled with warmth as they gazed at the peacefully sleeping Liliane.

My dad approached quietly and asked in a hushed tone, "Is she finally asleep?"

I couldn't help but smile, my heart filled with affection for the little angel in my arms. I nodded and whispered back, "Yes, she is."

My mom, joined us, and her eyes sparkled with tenderness as she looked at Liliane. She leaned closer and said softly, "She's a little gem, Athena,"

i nodded and said "indeed she's the perfect princess for me"

My mom looked at me, her hand gently patting my shoulder in a reassuring gesture. She spoke with a comforting tone, "You'll be the best mommy, Athena. Don't worry, it won't be like last time."

I met her gaze with eyes filled with a mixture of hope and sadness. My voice trembled slightly as I replied, "I hope so, Mom. I really hope so."

The memory of the past weighed heavily on my heart, but I was determined to make things different this time. With Liliane in my life, I had a chance to create a brighter and happier future, and I was willing to do whatever it took to protect and care for her.

I love you guys ; enjoy

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