Chapter 15: A Fashion Choice

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Athena's  pov:

In the morning light, my little angel, Liliane, and I began our day together. With a loving smile, I let her choose her outfit for the day. I laid out a selection of dresses, each adorned with different patterns and colors. Liliane's eyes sparkled with excitement as she examined her options, her fingers gently brushing over the fabrics.

She finally settled on a lovely dress that reached just below her knees. It was a delightful shade of lavender, with delicate butterfly patterns that seemed to dance across the fabric. With her choice made, she held it up to herself, giggling with pure joy."You want to wear this one, my sweet Liliane?" I cooed, using my gentlest, baby-friendly tone.She nodded enthusiastically, her eyes wide and bright. "Yes, Tina! It pwetty!"I couldn't help but smile warmly at her innocence and delight. I knelt down and helped her slip into the dress, making sure it was just right. Liliane twirled in front of the mirror, watching the dress swirl around her, and clapped her hands with delight.With her outfit settled, I turned my attention to her beautiful hair. Liliane had a mane of curly, chestnut locks that cascaded down her back. But this morning, she seemed a bit resistant to the idea of hair brushing. She whined softly and pouted, clearly not thrilled with the prospect.I chuckled softly, trying to reassure her. "It won't take long, my precious. tina just wants your hair to look pretty too."Liliane gave in with a reluctant nod, and I began to gently brush her hair, carefully working out any tangles. She squirmed a bit in my lap but soon settled into the routine. I made it a fun game by occasionally twirling a strand of her hair or pretending her hairbrush was a magical wand.Once her hair was silky smooth and adorned with a cute hairpin, I lifted her up, placing her securely on my hip. With a final twirl in front of the mirror, Liliane giggled, clearly pleased with her appearance."Look at you, my little princess," I praised her, pressing a loving kiss to her forehead."Tina's pwincess!" she chimed in, her smile radiant.

With Liliane perched on my hip, we made our way to the dining hall for breakfast. The grand room was bathed in soft morning light, and the long table was set with a delicious spread of breakfast treats. The aroma of freshly baked pastries and brewed coffee filled the air, making our stomachs rumble in anticipation.As we entered the dining hall, the castle staff greeted us warmly, and I exchanged pleasantries with the kitchen staff. Liliane looked around with wide eyes, taking in the grandeur of the room."Wow, Tina! Big place!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with awe."Yes, my darling," I replied, "It's our castle, and we're going to have a wonderful breakfast together."We settled into our seats at the head of the table, and I helped Liliane into her chair. She was a bit wobbly but soon adjusted to the high-backed chair. As we perused the breakfast options, I noticed her eyes fixated on the pastries.

"You like pastries, sweetie?" I asked, already knowing the answer.Liliane nodded vigorously, her gaze locked on the mouthwatering treats. "Yeth, Tina! Can I have one, pwease?""Of course, my little love," I replied, "You can have a pastry, and we'll have some delicious fruit too. "A smile lit up her face as a plate with a pastry was placed in front of her. She clapped her hands with excitement and wasted no time taking a big bite. Flaky pastry crumbs stuck to her lips as she savored the sweet treat, and a happy hum escaped her.

"Mmm, yummy!" she exclaimed, her mouth full of pastry.I couldn't help but chuckle at her enthusiasm. "I'm glad you like it, Liliane."We enjoyed our breakfast together, with Liliane occasionally offering a cute comment or two about the food. Her appetite was hearty, and it seemed like she couldn't get enough of the delicious pastries. As she took her last bite, she looked up at me,  her eyes filled with gratitude and affection."Tina," she said sweetly, "fank chu fow bweakfast. It was dewicious."I leaned over and pressed a soft kiss to her cheek. "You're very welcome, my little angel. I'm so glad you enjoyed it."As we finished our meal, I couldn't help but marvel at the precious, innocent soul in front of me. Liliane's presence had brought an unimaginable joy and warmth to my life, and I was determined to cherish every moment we spent together and i hoped that when i'll ask her to be my little she will accept and have me as her mama and caregiver

After our delightful breakfast, I decided it was time to head out. The garden was a breathtaking paradise, featuring flowers of every color and type imaginable. It was a place of wonder and enchantment, a place that held the promise of endless adventures.

With Liliane perched on my hip, her little legs kicking with anticipation, we made our way to the garden. The scent of blooming flowers wafted through the air, filling our senses with their sweet fragrance. The garden was a riot of colors, with roses, tulips, and daisies in full bloom, their petals glistening with dewdrops.

As we entered the garden, Liliane began to squirm on my hip, her excitement palpable. Her voice was filled with eagerness as she tugged at my dress, saying, "Tine, down, down!"

I couldn't help but chuckle at her enthusiasm. Gently, I spoke to her, "Not just yet, my little angel. Let's enjoy the garden together."

Liliane pouted, her adorable little face scrunching up, and she buried her head in my shoulder. Her tiny arms wrapped around my neck, holding on tightly. It was clear that she wanted to explore the garden on her own two feet, and her determination was impressive.

I reassured her with a soft pat on her back. "Don't worry, sweetie. You'll get to explore soon. Ma... i mean Tina just wants to keep you safe."

 I quickly corrected myself, aware of the slip. and hoped that Liliane won't notice it and when i looked at the little baby she was already staring at the flowers with a pout on her face

Liliane whined and nodded saying "otay Tina", . She nestled against my shoulder, still taking in the sights and sounds of the garden from her vantage point.

Enjoy lovelies 

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