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Zara accepted Charles' offer spend the Christmas with his family in French Alps, it's an amazing time of the year being there

"Merry Christmas mon chérie" Charles kissed her head

"Merry Christmas" Zara said laughing

Over the fact she's from Dubai, Zara is Christian Catholic

"I want to cuddle more" Zara said cuddling to Charles' warm chest

"Me too but we have to be up! They'll wait for us again!" Charles said laughing "I love you, you know that but my mom really likes spending the Christmas morning all together!"

"Fine" Zara sat up

"Look I mean we can be late!" Charles grabbed her lay back to his chest "I feel so beautiful with you"

"I couldn't be happier having you" Zara added

They cuddled for a while and Charles was telling Zara Ferrari's plans for the upcoming season

After they decided to stand up from the bed they changed clothes and walked to the breakfast room

"Good morning" Arthur said laughing "Did you sleep or?"

"Shut up" Charles said ironic

"Don't speak like that to your little brother" Pascale said smiling

They all said their wishes giving hugs and then Charles sat with Zara next to him

"Let me serve you" Charles served Zara some breakfast and a cup of coffee no sugar just with milk

"Thanks" Zara said smiling "we also want to tell you something"

"You are pregnant" Arthur said and Charles slapped his neck "ouch!"

"She's not pregnant idiot!" Charles said madly

"We decided to move together" Zara leaned against Charles' arm

"Finally!" Lorenzo said laughing "so happy for you two!"

"To be honest I thought that you wouldn't even rent a house in Monaco and move immediately with him" Carla said

"We wanted us to go slow and now move together sounds good" Zara said smiling

After having their breakfast they walked back to their rooms to take the skiing clothes, they met up all together in the hotel lobby and walked to their cars and then drove to the ski resort

They had so much fun there with Arthur pushing Zara fall in the snow

"Revenge!" Arthur said laughing

"What?" Zara asked laughing

"You were throwing me from the window so Charles could catch me!" Arthur said jokingly

Charles laughed helping Zara stand up

"You okay?" The Monegasque asked laughing and kissing her forehead

"Absolutely" Zara answered and she smiled at him "Are you ready to fight against me?"

"You won't win me mon chérie!" Charles winked at her "You will never do that"

"Let's see then!" Zara smiled

They raced against each other having ski, Zara won with Charles being too far away from her

"It's not fair!" Charles said stopping next to his girlfriend

"Just an inchident" Zara said jokingly

"It's not funny" Charles defended himself

After a long day in the ski resort they went back to their chalet to get ready for the evening

Zara was completely happy to move with Charles that she doesn't care about if he'll like her gift

After the dinner, they changed their gifts

"I don't know if you'll like it" Zara gave Charles her present "Merry Christmas"

"Thank you mon chérie" Charles kissed her forehead "Merry Christmas"

Charles opened the gift and smiled watching the gift

"Wow" Charles took out a helmet "It's wow"

"You probably want something else for your helmet of the season but I hope you'll use it to the race in United Arabian Emirates" Zara smiled at him

"Baby I want this gift to use it for the rest of the season" Charles kissed her gently "I love it"

Charles gave her a small box from Cartier

"I don't know if you'll like it" Charle opened the box

A diamond ring

"It's not a wedding proposal! Not yet! It's a promise ring! Marry you and have children together" Charles said and Zara had tears in her eyes "ow!"

"I love you" the Emirati girl hugged him

"I love you too" Charles agreed laughing "You are my favourite person!"

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