Their lives

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"Here we are!" Charles opened the door of his apartment "Walk in!"

Zara walked in the apartment with Charles walking in with her suitcases

"It's beautiful here" Zara looked around

"Thanks! You will sleep on the room next to me!" Charles winked at her and they both walked in the bedroom "Mine is the next door!"

"What cute apartment!" Zara smiled "Love it!"

Charles let her suitcase and he smiled at her

"It's my beautiful place!" Charles said smiling "Let's go to the living and talk about our lives after kindergarten!"

Zara and Charles walked in the living room sitting on the couch

Zara's eyes locked to a picture on the TV furniture

"Is that Jules?" Zara walked there looking at the photo

"Yes!" Charles agreed "You remember him, right?"

"Hell yeah! I was so sad when my mom told me he died!" Zara sighed and she walked back on the couch

"It was difficult when he died... my dad died a few years later and it was catastrophic for our family" Charles smiled

"I texted to Lorenzo, I found him on Instagram and we spoke a few times since then" Zara said smiling

"Why you didn't text me?" Charles asked curious

"I texted you but I probably got lost into the DMs you didn't accept!" Zara replied and she sighed

"I'm sorry! If I knew I would accept you!" Charles said sad "Now tell me about you!"

"I graduated from Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne in architecture! I didn't want to work to my dad's company so I work to the Graphic Design Company in Dubai and I live there!" Zara said smiling

"I drive in Scuderia Ferrari and I have win sometimes" Charles said laughing

"Spa 2019, Monza 2019, Bahrain 2022 and Melbourne 2022" Zara gave him a smile

"Yes!" Charles nodded "Do you watch F1?"

"Yes and I am your biggest fan!" Zara show him her right wrist from the down side and a bit down from the veins

"Cutie! My number!" Charles blushed

"You are my favourite driver!" Zara giggled

"How are you in your personal life?" Charles asked and Zara sighed

"Back in Switzerland I was in relationship with my married professor of design and his wife caught us" Zara bit her lip

"You are such a dumb!" Charles said laughing "Oh my god! How old he was?"

"41"Zara murmured

"Oh Zara!" Charles kept laughing

"Fortunately it was when it was my last days in the University and I left!" Zara smiled "I was with my best friend's brother for three months? But he was too idiot! You?"

"I had two long relationships! The one lasted until the first months of 2019 and the second one until the last January!" Charles sighed "and one that lasted in the kindergarten!"

"Oh yeah I need a divorce!" Zara said laughing

"And what if I won't give you one?" Charles asked jokingly

"We will have problems!" Zara said smiling

"You used to like travelling! I remember that!" Charles said

"Yeah! I travel a lot... I have been in so many places but no where is like Monaco" Zara said smiling and she looked at the view of the balcony "Can we go in the balcony?"

"Sure ma chérie!" Charles and Zara stood up walking to the balcony

Zara looked at the view, Mediterranean Sea is so beautiful from Charles' appearance, yachts and boats were parked on the port, Charles hugged her from behind placing a kiss to her neck

"It's beautiful here" Zara leaned against his chest

"I know! I am happy that you like it" Charles stroked her belly a bit

People on the street were walking laughing, they were dressed really luxurious with expensive brands. Some people having dogs and other strollers

"I want to get married in Monaco and have a family here" Zara said "I want my kids grew up like I did"

"Do you want us to make a promise?" Charles asked and Zara turned to him "If we won't get married until 30 I will marry you"

"Again?" Zara asked smiling

"Yes!" Charles smiled "But until then we have 5 years!"

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