The Reunion

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Zara looked at her schedule in her agenda waiting for the train to Monaco, at 11 o' clock she has meeting with Charles

She smiled at herself

The only and one Charles Leclerc

Her kindergarten sweetheart

The train arrived and Zara sat on the seat her ticket was writing, the train was completely luxurious, back in Dubai she doesn't go in her work with the train but with the car her dad bought her when she announced that she found her first job in a Graphic Design Company. Her father has the biggest architecture company in Dubai and Zara just didn't want to work there

She preferred built her own life in Dubai working as graphic designer at one company, she studied architecture in Lausanne in Switzerland, Zara really likes her job and she doesn't plan to change her life! She is 25 and she graduated last summer from Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne

The train from Nice to Monaco was 45 minutes, as she arrived in the most luxurious country of Europe that first thing she did was grab her suitcase and walk out of the train station

Her hotel was 12 minutes away by feet, like Google Maps says, Zara was feeling completely tired to walk until there but she needed to

With the suitcase in her hand she started walking feeling exhausted, luxurious cars and women wearing luxurious brands were around

Zara was wearing just skinny jeans with a Christian Dior short sleeved sweater and Dior Vibe Sneakers and Medium Dior Book Tote in the same colour as her sweater. The most of the women there were wearing dresses or other training clothes

Zara had an appointment in Café de Paris in Monaco but firstly she needed to checkin in her hotel, as she arrived she had the checkin and then walked in her room, as she arrived she opened the balcony door realising that she had view to the sea, she smiled at herself enjoying the clear air of Mediterranean

Zara let her suitcase and walked in the cafeteria that was 100 meters from the hotel, as she arrived her eye caught Charles with his brothers and their mother, she learned that the father of the boys died and the only one she communicated with was Lorenzo

Zara took a deep breath and she walked to their table

"Ehm... Hey" Zara said smiling and they all turned to her

"Hello" Charles said smiling, he thought that she is just a fan

"Zara?" Lorenzo stood up "How are you?"

"I am good!" Lorenzo and Zara had a quick hug "What about you?"

"Good thanks!" Lorenzo sat back

"Zara?" Charles asked in shock "No way!"

Zara took off her sunglasses and Charles looked at her big hazel blue green eyes

"Oh my god!" Charles said completely in shock "So many years!"

Charles and Zara had a warm hug

"Why I don't know her?" Arthur asked looking at his mother

"Of course you know her! From photos and also in face! You were two when she left Monaco!" Pascale said and she stood up to give Zara a hug "How are you?"

"I am good! You?" Zara asked

"I am so good! Thanks!" Pascale answered

"Arturo? You don't remember me?" Zara asked laughing

"Zara used to throw you from the window and I was catching you!" Charles said laughing

"I started remembering" Arthur replied laughing

"Your brother and Zara were on fire together!" Pascale laughed

"please sit with us!" Charles said offering her sit where he was sitting

"Thanks" Zara smiled sitting in the chair

Charles grabbed a chair from the back table and he sat next to Zara

"What brings you in Monaco?" Charles asked smiling

"You" Zara replied, Charles looked at her confused "not like that! I am the graphic designer for your helmet!"

"Ah!" Charles said completely happy "I didn't know it!"

"Here I am!" Zara laughed

"Why you are not staying for the Grand Prix?" Charles asked, Zara smiled shy and sighed "I am begging you!"

"Ugh" Zara closed her eyes "Fine!"

"Yes!" Charles said happy "I will give you passes!"

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