Moving on

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"Hey!" Kelly said giving a hug to Zara

"Hey you!" The Emirati girl replied and she sat opposite her

"So?" The Brazilian model asked, Zara told her about the date with Charles, they two became good friends since they met in the party of Monaco Grand Prix and they talk a lot

"Charlotte appeared" Zara said a bit disappointed

"That bitch" Kelly murmured

"She-She made the rest of my night a mess! She slapped me also!" Zara said and Kelly's jaw dropped

"She's such a bitch! I am right! What an idiot!" Kelly took a sip from her coffee "Just try to stay away from her before she'll do anything bad!"

"Do you think she will?" Zara asked nervously

"Unfortunately she will and that makes me mad!" Kelly sighed "But Charles won't let her do anything bad to you! He loves you so much!"

"I don't know... I mean... we are seeing each other we didn't have sex yet and I love him yes! Will he ask me to be his girlfriend?" Zara asked disappointed and Kelly giggled

"Believe me sweetheart! That boy is crazy about you!" Kelly said "Now he is already in the Netherlands?"

"No he'll leave tomorrow morning! And I hate to wait for like two days!" Zara said laughing "maybe I'll find a flight for Friday evening"

Zara grabbed her phone searching for flights

"There is a flight for Friday evening with Air France, I'll book it" Zara said proudly booking the flight "Monaco is amazing"

The Emirati girl let her phone on the table

"Will you tell that to Charles?" Kelly asked

"No I'll surprise him!" Zara said smiling "I am sure that he'll be happy!"

The girls kept talking for two hours and then Zara walked to her house, as she walked out of the elevator Charles was standing in front of the door

"Charlie" Zara said and the Monegasque turned "Hey you"

"Hello ma chérie" Charles kissed her gently "I wanted to say hi before I'll leave for Amsterdam"

"Will you stay?" Zara asked smiling

"Do you want?" Charles asked laughing "I really want that! We can cook and then do what you want!"

Zara unlocked the door and walked in the apartment

"So many hours are you out with Kelly?" Charles asked closing the door behind

"Yes we had fun" Zara said laughing and she opened the door of the fridge "What about balaleet?"

"What?" Charles asked laughing

"Vermicelli, butter, sugar, cardamom, saffron, eggs and oil" Zara started cooking with Charles looking at her from behind having his hands on her hips

"You did that so amazing" Charles said kissing her neck "Do you have wine?"

"Yes I have red wine in the fridge" Zara said and the Monegasque opened the fridge to grab the wine

A few minutes later the food was ready and they sat on the table for the dinner, Charles also light some candles to make that more romantic

"Let's taste!" Charles said and he tasted from the door "Wow!"

"Like it?" Zara asked eating as well

"Bebe that's amazing!" Charles said happy "I love it"

They both started eating and talking about the rave of the weekend

As they ended Charles looked at her

"Come here" Zara walked and sat on his lap and he kissed her shoulder

"I love you" Charles said, Zara turned her hand to face him

"I love you too" The Emirati girl replied "I really do"

"Do you want to be my girlfriend? That's not romantic enough but I want to ask you" Charles asked with puppy eyes

"Of course I want to be your girlfriend and baby I don't have any problem be romantic or not!" Zara kissed him gently "I care that I have you"

"I am so happy that you are from now my girlfriend!" Charles smiled "Do you have any dessert?"

"I have ice cream" Zara said laughing and she walked in the kitchen to bring the ice cream

She came back a bit later and she sat to Charles' lap to have their dessert

"Did you book tickets for Saturday?" Charles asked giving Zara some ice cream and she nodded

"Yes I have" the Emirati girl lied a bit because she wanted to surprise him

"Mhm! I won't be able to pick you from the airport so I'll tell Lorenzo come and pick you" Charles winked at her

"I already told him" Zara said laughing "Have you ever seen my bedroom?"

"Yes I have! When we were cleaning the house!" Charles said "but I think I need to watch it again!"

"Let's go to show you then!" Zara stood up and Charles walked after her

As they walked in the bedroom Charles grabbed her started kissing her passionately, Zara led him to the bed and she let her body fell on the bed with Charles in the top of her kissing her passionately

Zara took off Charles' T-Shirt and he took off her top throwing it somewhere in the bedroom, the girl took off also his trousers without breaking the kiss, Charles smiled at her started kissing her neck with passion sucking in some places

Zara was touching his belly and she led her hand inside his underwear to his cock, as she grabbed it Charles let a moan without breaking the kiss but smiling, Zara started plying with his cock and the Monegasque was breathing deeply

"Fuck... keep going please" Charles almost begged her "But it's hard don't cum"

"You have to wait" Zara said laughing, Charles placed a kiss on her cheek she took off his underwear with passion

"Let me do that" Charles took off Zara's jeans and underwear started kissing her inside her legs, he placed a kiss over her clits and she let a big moan

Charles placed his hand in her clits started playing making small circles and she was moaning

"I am close" Zara said with a moan "Please"

"Not now!" Charles said laughing and he stopped, he came into her with his cock started moving his hips fast, Charles closed his eyes and he leaned against his elbows to help Zara

"Please" Zara begged him wanting to cum "I'm so close"

"Okay when you want" Charles winked at her

Zara let a moan as she let her orgasm, Charles was close as well

"Are you on birth control?" Charles asked "I want to end"

"End I am not" Zara said moaning, Charles ended into her letting a moan

Zara smiled in relief and she made Charles to stand so she knelt and lick him, he helped her by holding her hair and moving her head, Charles was moaning in relief with his cock fucking Zara's mouth

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