The other voice, must be belonging to 'Jeff' retorted defiantly, "well i've been kicked out! fucking left! i was told to come here."

Their words hung in the air, and the tension in the room above escalated with every passing moment. It was like the clash of titans, two forces locked in a battle that had been a long time coming.

Suddenly, a deafening crash echoed through the house, followed by a disconcerting silence. Fear gripped me tightly as I contemplated what had transpired. Had Jeff finally confronted Ben about the horrors I'd endured in this cellar? did he even know i was here? Was there a physical altercation taking place just above my head?

The cellar door stayed firmly shut, denying me any insight into the unfolding drama. I was trapped, both by the chain that bound my ankle and the uncertainty of the situation above.

Hope and fear mingled within me, for I couldn't help but wonder if this confrontation between Ben and Jeff might be the turning point I'd been longing for. Yet, the reality was that I was still utterly powerless, a helpless observer in this nightmarish ordeal.

Maya ascended the creaky staircase, her footsteps echoing through the cellar door above me. I strained to listen, my heart pounding with trepidation. As the door opened, it revealed voices that sent a chill down my spine, voices I didn't recognize.

"You've been hiding a toy here, huh?" A cold, mocking chuckle pierced the air. The voice held a sinister quality, one that made my blood run cold. It was clear that the speaker was referring to Maya, not me.

The clunky, intimidating boots came to a halt just beyond the door. The words that followed sent shivers down my spine, their meaning elusive yet undeniably ominous. "You've already made her lifeless, fucking hell."

"So this is where you've been running off to all this time? To mess with this bitch?" The unmistakable sound of a slap echoed through the cellar door, sending a shiver down my spine. It was a terrifying sound, one that filled me with dread. "She doesn't even react to pain anymore. You really are a sick fuck."

"She's not a damn toy! She means jack fucking shit to me!" Ben's voice rose, his anger palpable as it reverberated through the ceiling.

"Kill her then," the voice, presumably Jeff, declared, and my heart skipped a beat. It couldn't be serious, could he?

"And why would I do that?"

"Because that's what we do. That's our life! Why the fuck else?" Jeff's words hung heavy in the air, a chilling testament to the horrors unfolding above. I was paralyzed with fear, unable to move or speak, trapped in my dark prison as I listened to a conversation that sounded like a descent into madness.

"I'm not like you," Ben's voice wavered, a hint of desperation in his tone.

"Oh, but you clearly are. Take a look at this fucking slag. She's ruined! She can't even speak anymore, can you?" Jeff's voice dripped with malice, his words sending a chill down my spine. "You definitely fucked her up like this, didn't you?"

"I SAID SHE MEANS NOTHING TO ME!" Ben's response was a thunderous scream, punctuated by a sickening thud. My heart raced as I realized what had happened. Maya had been sent tumbling down the stairs of the cellar, but no sound came from her. She lay lifeless at the bottom of the stairs, her eyes as vacant as ever. The cellar had descended into a horrifying silence, broken only by the echoes of their altercation.

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